FinanceExpense claims - Financial Management System (FMS)

The following information is intended to assist you in claiming for reimbursement of business expenses.

Important update

In line with the new Travel Policy and refreshed Expenses Policy amendments to Expense Types have been applied to FMS.  For expense claims where travel or accommodation costs are being claimed, you may need to complete an ‘Approval to Travel’ (ATT) form, this form can be found on Pegasus and if you require assistance completing the form, guidance can be found on the dedicated Travel Information Hub under Travel Policy.  The form should be completed prior to booking your travel and the ATT reference number should be noted when completing the claim.

To help with budget reporting and for audit purposes, all expenses should be claimed against the appropriate expense type. ‘Other Business Expense’  type has now been replaced with ‘Other Compliant Expense’. Please ensure the expense type is claimable by referring to the University's Travel and Expenses Policies.  DO NOT use for expenses where an expense type is available.  If in doubt, please contact 

Receipts should either be in the form of a vatable receipt from the merchant, not a copy of the card confirmation or card statement. A paid invoice is also acceptable but not an order confirmation. 

Receipts should be cross referenced by number to each entry on the claim.

In line with the ‘Go Live’ date of the 20th May and the change to expense types, some expenses will have a new classification.  In order to process claims successfully, the following guidance must be adhered to:

  • Pre 20th May – All expense claims must be submitted on FMS and fully approved by the relevant approver by 15th May to allow payment to be processed on the 16th May
  • Expenses on FMS will be unavailable from 16th May until 20th May
  • On 20th May – Any expense claims that remain unapproved may need to be resubmitted when FMS becomes available


Following the introduction of the University’s FMS, expense claims for the following groups of staff and students should be submitted online:

  • All University staff
  • All postgraduate students (research and taught)
  • HaSS undergraduate students on certain courses which involve placements

Hard copy expense claims will no longer be accepted from these groups.

Non-staff and non-HaSS undergraduate students, who have not yet been granted access to FMS, should complete the relevant expense claim form (link to forms below) and submit as follows:

  • Expense forms together with all necessary receipts must be submitted electronically as one pdf document and sent directly to
  • The form will be uploaded directly onto FMS where the form will workflow for approval as per the current Expenses process.
  • Handwritten forms will no longer be accepted.
  • Hard copy expense claims will no longer be accepted from these groups.

More detailed guidance is set out below.


All expenses claims, whether by staff, students or other parties, must be made in accordance with the University's  Travel Policy and Expenses Policy.

As set out in the Policies, both the Claimant and Approver have a primary responsibility for ensuring that requests and claims fully accord with the Policy.

Expense Claims for Staff, Postgraduate Students and HaSS Undergraduate Students on courses that involve placements

The processing route for Expense Claims for Staff, Postgraduate Students and HaSS Undergraduate Students on courses that involve placements is as shown below:

  1. Claimant inputs business expenses and scans receipts
  2. Claim workflows to Approver (Sub Project Manager)
  3. Approver ensures claim reflects legitimate business expenses
  4. Approver ensures expense is substantiated with a receipt (where appropriate)
  5. Approver accepts or rejects the claim
  6. Finance review only in certain scenarios for example, items categorised as 'Other Compliant Expenses' and certain Research Sub Projects
  7. Claims are paid in the next scheduled payment run following approval

Expense Claims for Undergraduate Students with no FMS access and non-University staff

The processing route for Expense Claims for Undergraduate Students with no FMS access and non-University staff is summarised below:

  1. Claimant completes manual form
  2. Claimant attaches hard copy receipts to form
  3. Expenses claim form submitted to Finance
  4. Finance scan form and receipts and input into FMS
  5. Scanned copy of form and receipts workflows to Approver (Sub Project Manager)
  6. Approver ensures claim reflects legitimate buisness expenses
  7. Approver 'Accepts' or 'Rejects' the claim
  8. Finance review only in certain scenarios for example, items categorised as 'Other Compliant Expenses' and certain Research Sub Projects
  9. If rejected, workflow to Finance for resolution with Department
  10. Claims are paid in the next scheduled payment run following approval

Please ensure you complete the claim form appropriate to your circumstances:


The Management of Occupational Road Risks - MORR

The Management of Occupational Road Risks - MORR (Occupational Health and Safety Standard) was approved by the University’s Statutory Advisory Committee for Safety and Occupational Health (SACSOH) following a stakeholder development and consultation process and came into effect on 16 November 2020.

This standard applies to all persons who may drive on behalf of the University for business purposes. This includes travelling to conferences, visiting host schools in relation to work placements, travel between University premises and persons travelling from home to a different (non-campus) location for work. The MORR Standard replaces the previous guidance note, Driving Safely at Work. 

The Management of Road Risks Standard and associated documents can be found by visiting the Safety, Health and Wellbeing webpages. The Safety, Health and Wellbeing Team is available to support departments in the successful implementation of the Standard and can be contacted by emailing    

The following list highlights some of the requirements that the MORR Standard introduced:

  • FMS – car and mileage related expense types will now only be visible to drivers who have gone through the verification process as specified in the OHS Standard  
  • MORR Coordinator(s) must be appointed by HoDs and PS Directors to assist with the administration duties of this standard. Those appointed as a MORR Coordinator must be notified to Finance (
  • Staff driving for work purposes must complete the ‘Driver’s Declaration Form’, detailing driving licence details and a health declaration;  
  • Use of private vehicles will be subject to the validation by the departmental MORR Coordinator of appropriate business insurance and where applicable MOT test and road tax.