Apprenticeship Degrees Information for employers

Apprenticeship Degrees at Strathclyde offer businesses the opportunity to support new and existing staff to study towards a degree at the University of Strathclyde, whilst they work full time in your organisation, bringing their skills and knowledge straight back into the business.

Known as Graduate Apprenticeships in Scotland and Degree Apprenticeships in England, our apprenticeship degrees provide employers with a fully-funded pathway for employees to achieve undergraduate and master degrees.

Work-based learning

Our new degrees allow learners to combine academic study with work-based learning while in full-time employment.

This unique approach supports our learners to progress and achieve the academic skills required for a degree, while applying their knowledge and expertise in your workplace.

Apprentices earn University credit and secure industry recognition from professional accrediting bodies.

Strathclyde’s Graduate & Degree Apprenticeship programmes build on our: 

  • academic excellence
  • understanding of innovative learning technology
  • award-winning course design and delivery
  • delivery of effective work-based learning 

Our understanding of the needs of both the learner and employer are clear in the structure of our programmes. Our learners undertake an online learner journey, as part of an online community of other learners and University staff.

Benefits of Apprenticeship Degrees at Strathclyde

  • we support work-based, online learning, rather than traditional day-release schemes
  • both the learner and employer enjoy flexibility
  • the need for on-campus attendance is significantly reduced
  • combine study with work commitments 
  • you develop industry-ready graduates who really understand your business
  • one of the benefits for those in England is that you do not have to be geographically located in Scotland to access our award winning university 

Develop your workforce

At Strathclyde, our industrial focus and external engagement provides an unparalleled foundation for apprenticeship degrees of the highest standard. We deliver carefully designed programmes that suit the needs of both the learner and the employer.

Our professional approach to work-based learning uses fully qualified work-based assessors who are regularly onsite with each learner individually. This helps them to bridge the boundary between theory and practice and provides support in gathering evidence of competency.

“Our collaborative partnership with Strathclyde University is both a no-brainer, and one founded in mutual respect. Strathclyde’s reputation as the go-to Scottish University for Engineering, alongside having strong links with Scottish Industry, ensures young talent is best equipped to strengthen our business and ultimately play an invaluable role in key projects, our strategy and future growth. As a founding partner of the
Strathclyde Graduate Apprentice programme, we are proud and excited to continue building
on this relationship and developing the future talent of the Engineering faculty.”

Colin Scouller, Thales Group 

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