Centre for Lifelong LearningLearn 50+ at CLL

Welcome to our exciting range of ‘on-campus and online classes aimed at those aged 50+’

CLL has years of experience in tailoring classes to meet the needs of those aged 50+.  With this in mind, we have re-branded our public programmes, focussing on our distinctive main audience, ‘Learn 50+ at CLL’. 

We are proud at Strathclyde, to continue to be the only UK University with such a programme offering both campus-based and online learning to this age group.

Our face-to-face on-campus classes are ideal for those local to Glasgow and surrounding areas to connect and learn with like-minded people. Did you know some of our classes are credit-bearing and you can accumulate credits towards an Open Studies Certificate? Find out more!

Our online via Zoom classes allow students to join us from the comfort of their homes, creating a community online, with no geographical boundaries. If you are unsure about learning online using Zoom please read our frequently asked questions for guidance. 

Learn 50+ at CLL classes will be bookable over four terms (October, January, April and Summer).

Booking for Summer term open now! - visit MyCLL.