Our subjectsComputer science degrees

What is computer science?

Computer science is the study of the principles and use of computers. A computer scientist designs new software, solves computing problems and develops different ways to use technology.  

Why study computer science?

Computer science is transforming the way we live and do things. In the digital age, computer programmes are everywhere, so studying this subject means your skills will always be in high demand. Every type of industry needs computer scientists – engineering, health care, sport – so graduate prospects are great. It’s a subject that's always evolving and is ideal for students keen to learn about new technologies.

Why computer science at Strathclyde?

The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow is an award-winning academic institution - the only to have won Times Higher Education University of the Year award twice!

All our courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills that are in high demand by industry and the public sector. Our lively and diverse research spans the whole spectrum of theory and application from fundamental algorithms and programming language design, to human-centred computing and information sciences.

Our graduates have gone on to work in some of the world's biggest companies including Google, Apple and Pixar.

Dr Martin Reddy, Alumnus of the Year 2019

Dr Martin Reddy graduated with a computer science degree from the University almost 30 years ago. He went on to work at Pixar Animation Studio, where he led a team of software engineers. He worked on films such as Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and WALL-E. In 2019, he was given awarded the honour of being our Alumnus of the Year.

Strathclyde's (degree) was really great and I think I've used almost every course that I learned here, from linear algebra to databases.

Dr Martin Reddy