Our subjectsElectronic & electrical engineering degrees

What is electronic and electrical engineering?

Electronic and electrical engineering is at the heart of everything we do – from renewable energy and smart grids to high-speed fibre-optic broadband, digital sound and vision, and internet security.

Electronic and electrical engineers are the people who:

  • design, build, operate and maintain our global power systems, our telecommunications networks and computing infrastructure
  • develop electronic systems essential to industry, health and entertainment

Why study electronic and electrical engineering?

Electronic and electrical engineers aim to find innovative and progressive solutions to today’s global challenges whether that’s technologies to deliver clean energy, systems to improve audio and image quality on your phone, tablet and laptop, or techniques to improve digital imagery in medical devices to aid diagnosis.

If you want to create, design and apply new technologies to help solve real-world problems, then study electronic and electrical engineering. The subject is dynamic and varied and it offers great career prospects.

Why study electronic and electrical engineering at Strathclyde?

The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow is an award-winning academic institution - the only to have won Times Higher Education University of the Year award twice!

Our graduates are very highly sought after. Over 92% of them have jobs by the time they finish their course. They have chosen careers worldwide, spanning electrical generation and distribution, oil and gas, telecommunications, software design, finance, consultancy and management.

We have strong links with industry. Our courses give you a strong foundation in maths and physics, through interactive teaching, practical work and industry-led projects that encourage innovation and creativity. These industry-led projects mean you're engaging and networking with potential employers during your course.

MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering

Strathclyde's a nice place to learn new things. It's a leader in the electrical field.

Vasitpol Sangtong, MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering student

Martin Riis
Overall, my experience at Strathclyde has been fantastic, the lecturers are helpful and approachable and we have access to great facilities, both for helping with our course and extra-curricular.
Martin Riis
Electronic & Electrical Engineering (BEng)