Human ResourcesObjective setting

As part of the Accountability & Development Review (ADR) process you will be asked to identify and agree performance objectives for the forthcoming review year.

All performance objectives should be aligned to the University’s vision and corporate objectives. In agreeing objectives for the forthcoming review year the Reviewee and Reviewer should consider how the role contributes to the Strategic Plan.

Some other general points to remember about setting objectives are:

  • They should be SMART i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound
  • Generally between 2 and 5 objectives should be agreed depending on the job role and the relative size of each objective
  • Objectives differ from the job description for the post as they are intended to identify key priorities of the coming review year rather than describing the broader responsibilities of the role over an extended time frame
  • Although objective setting as part of the ADR process is an individual level process it may be appropriate to set team objectives where there are shared responsibilities for example, in the case of particular projects or whether there is a large operational team performing the same type of role
  • Objective setting is related to performance; learning and development activities which may help to improve performance in the post and/or achieve objectives are included separately
  • In order to encourage internationalisation activity it is recommended that each member of staff in Grade 6 and above, regardless of staff category, includes one objective which has an internationalisation dimension where deemed appropriate to the role
  • Anyone with staff management responsibility should have at least one objective that relates to that aspect of their role
  • Detailed guidance on how to set objectives can be found in the Guidance on Setting Work Objectives and Associated Development Planning document.

Example objectives

Academic Professional Staff example objectives

  • To be successful in obtaining x number of research grants/specific research grants by x date
  • To increase percentage of successful research funding applications by x per cent by x date
  • To generate research income to the value of approximately x over the coming year
  • To develop a new line of research or approach that will have a broad impact on relevant field of publication by x date
  • To increase the number of Research Excellence Framework (REF) qualifying publications in appropriate journals by x number by x date
  • To increase research income by x amount/percentage by x date


  • To lead/contribute to the development of a new module/teaching programme on … by x date
  • To critically review methods of teaching and learning in relation to teaching modules in x subject areas by x date
  • To develop a substantial revision to the course structure and content of an existing course by x date
  • To gain external funding, in the region of £x, for the development of new teaching and learning methods in x field by x date
  • To secure x number of research students in the coming year
  • To play the role of x to support the achievement of targets for student recruitment/retention
  • To improve individual performance and overall satisfaction in National Student Survey/Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey by x per cent by x date
  • To increase by x amount the number of incoming and outgoing exchange students by type of placement

  • To increase by x value KE/consultancy contracts/secure consultancy work with x company or y organisation in the coming year
  • To develop a new/enhance existing collaborative working arrangement with an external body in x subject area by x date.
  • To attract external funding for knowledge exchange activities such as Knowledge Transfer Partnership
  • To attract funding from industrial partners to co-fund research projects
  • To develop and/or deliver (or increase the level of) CPD provision with external organisations
  • To develop and/or deliver an executive education programme with external organisations
  • To commercialise an area of your research via patents or licensing
  • To form a spin-out company or grow the activities of an existing one
  • To engage with policy makers
  • To build strategic partnerships with large external organisations
  • To engage with the public and promote your (or others) research to external audiences
  • To increase the level of external partner engagement in shaping and delivering your teaching provision
  • To develop and promote evidence based case studies of the impact of your research on society and/or the economy
  • To promote knowledge exchange activities within your Department/Faculty/the University
  • To develop the knowledge exchange skills of colleagues and students within your Department/Faculty/the University

  • To take on the role of Course Director/Leader/Coordinator/equivalent by x date
  • To take on a senior Departmental/School management role by x date
  • To take on membership of a Faculty/University committee by x date
  • Obtain a role as an external examiner by x date

Professional Services Roles example objectives

Objectives relating to service provision within the department, to a particular project, to the provision of management information or to the accuracy and timeliness of work, for example:

  • To improve procedures for monitoring student attendance and for collecting student assignments in consultation with colleagues by x date
  • To write a paper for the Head of Department detailing the impact of new health and safety legislation relating to x area of activity by x date
  • To develop a policy in relation to a particular subject area and associated procedures for review by the Head of Department by x date
  • To review administrative procedures for conference attendance with relevant colleagues to ensure consistency of approach across the department by x date
  • Conduct a departmental wide training needs analysis and produce a departmental training plan for
  • Head of Department approval by x date
  • Reduce the down time of IT applications by x per cent by x date
  • Reduce planned maintenance costs by x per cent by x date
  • To review the department’s filing systems and make recommendations for improvement to the Head of Department by x date
  • To transfer the departmental strategy statement into a PowerPoint presentation by x date
  • To implement a new enquiry process in order to improve the service provided to potential applicants within the next x months
  • To co-ordinate x number of events by x date
  • To review the administrative process for x committee by x date to improve the experience for committee members and enhance the decision making process
  • To review the systems for financial monitoring and propose improvements to line manager/Head of Department by x date
  • To prepare a format for management information reports in relation to x to inform the decision-making of x by x date
  • To improve student support by acting as point of contact in relation to x issues, responding to queries within x timescale
  • To put in place new/enhanced marketing and communication mechanisms in relation to student recruitment activities for x (e.g. international students) by x date
  • Establishing/review web pages in relation to x and publish and promote these by x date
  • Ensure that administrative processes in relation to grant award x are adhered to and that regular audit reports are submitted within defined deadlines
  • Ensure that budget management procedures are followed by submitting quarterly reports to x

Objectives relating to safety or legal requirements or to the use of specialised equipment, for example:

  • To produce an up to date inventory of all laboratory equipment in the department by x date
  • To set up a rota to service the department’s machinery within the next x months
  • To increase the accuracy of instrumentation data by x per cent by x date
  • To rewrite the Health and Safety Policy document for the department within the next x months
  • To review the stock monitoring system and propose improvements to the Head of Department within the next x months
  • To produce written guidance on the use of a particular piece of equipment by x date
  • To produce recommendations for improving the service provision for academic staff/researchers in a particular specialism by x date
  • To develop and deliver training for other technical staff on x subject by x date
  • To review the demonstration techniques for students on x area of expertise by x date
  • To contribute to the department’s knowledge exchange activity by developing/delivering x service/facility/training and liaising with external contacts to attract business/establish customer needs
  • Supervise the practical projects of students in relation to x, ensuring that the students understand how to safely operate the necessary equipment and monitoring progress to support the students in completing the project to deadline
  • Risk assess activity x and implement any necessary process improvements by x date
  • Establish a production technique in relation to x activity by x date

Objectives relating to maintenance of safety or hygiene standards or service delivery, for example:

  • To improve customer satisfaction ratings regarding response times from x per cent to x per cent by x date
  • To reduce the incidence of customer complaints by x per cent by the end of the year
  • To increase the number of points of view feedback cards filled out by customers by x number over the course of the year
  • To reduce food and packaging wastage by x per cent over the course of the year
  • To increase recycling by x per cent over the course of the year
  • To ensure all stock and food items are displayed attractively and service times are met
  • To ensure mail is delivered to departments by x time each day
  • To ensure that all student enquiries are dealt with within x days
  • To reduce the number of reportable health and safety incidents by x per cent by the end of the year
  • To ensure that x area is cleaned by x time each day
  • To lock up x buildings by x time each day
  • To ensure that x number of orders are delivered as per customer requests
  • To review the stock monitoring procedures and suggest improvements by x date
  • To ensure incident reports are submitted by x time after the event
  • To provide on the job training to a specific person by x date