When: 5th November, 12:00 – 2:00PM
Where: The Lighthouse, Gallery 1, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow
This event is organised by the One Ocean Hub for Scottish Government COP26 events.
Ocean covers 70 per cent of the earth’s surface, absorbs 25% of global carbon dioxide and produces 50% the oxygen we breathe. However, the nexus between the ocean and climate change has been overlooked. This roundtable discussion will highlight an important message that inclusive ocean governance is essential to ensure that resilience and adaptation to climate change is sustainable and just. The roundtable will explore the impacts of climate change upon an array of internationally guaranteed human rights such as the human right to health and in some coastal communities, the right to self-determination and life. Given the close relationship between climate change and the enjoyment of human rights, this roundtable will illuminate the importance of integrating human rights in society’s response to climate change. This roundtable discussion will further draw attention to the challenges posed by climate change upon indigenous peoples and small-scale fishing communities, distribution of fish stocks, and the structure of deep-sea ecosystems. It will provide an opportunity to discuss innovation and adaptation strategies that can support the sustainability of the oceans and improve communities’ resilience.
1. Climate change, the ocean and human rights: The role of arts in furthering justice for indigenous peoples, small-scale fishers, rural women and children
Professor Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde) & Professor Stuart Jeffrey (Glasgow School of Art)
2. Political ecology of climate change and indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ customary laws
Dr David Wilson (University of Strathclyde, UK) & Professor Rose Boswell (Nelson Mandela University)
3. Blue Economy Solutions towards Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Dr Bernadette Snow (University of Strathclyde), Professor Jeremy Hills (University of South Pacific) & Dr Kelly Hoareau (University of Seychelles).
4. Multiple Threats from Climate Change and Different Management Scenarios: Visualising and Predicting Deep-sea Species and Habitats Distribution
Dr Sebastian Hennige (University of Edinburgh)
5. Fisheries under Climate Change: the use of models in assessing impacts and improving adaptation measures
Dr John Pinnegar (CEFAS) & Professor Warwick Sauer (Rhodes University).
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