The University of Strathclyde has moral and legal obligations to protect its staff, students, visitors and contractors from the potentially harmful effects arising from its use of ionising radiations.  The University is committed to meeting its obligations by ensuring that it has adequate arrangements, facilities and trained personnel to ensure the safe management of ionising radiation.

This Standard applies to all University of Strathclyde staff, students, visitors and contractors who are involved in the use of, or safe management of, ionising radiations.  


OHS Standard - Ionising Radiation


Appointment of Department Radiation Protection Supervisor

Critical Exam Form

Radiation Area Local Rules Template

Radiation Area or Equipment Handover Form

Radiation Risk Assessment Form

Radiation Worker Training and Competence Record

Radioactive Sealed Source Leak Test Record Form

Routine Contamination Form

Routine Radiation Survey

Guidance Notes

Completing a Radiation Risk Assessment

Example Radiation Incident Response Plans

Management of a Radiation Facility

Management of Radioactive Wastes

Transport of Radioactive Materials

Information Sheets

Training Requirements for Workers Using Ionising Radiations