Dr Eimear Finnegan

Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

I joined the School of Psychological Sciences and Health at Strathclyde in January 2015 as a research associate and moved to a teaching role in 2017. I completed my PhD in social cognition/gender processing in language at the University of Sussex, my MSc in Psycholinguistics at the University of Edinburgh and my undergraduate degree in Applied Psychology at University College Cork.

At Strathclyde, my primary roles involve class leadership of undergraduate modules and contribution to delivery of research-led teaching on a range of classes at undergraduate and postgraduate level (both face-to-face and online). I also supervise dissertation students across both undergraduate and MSc level each year and I am deputy course leader for the BA Psychology.

I am involved in various citizenship roles within the School. Current contributions include: Faculty Board of Study, PSH Athena Swan Committee, Psychology Academic Affairs Committee, and the Psychology Student-Staff Liaison Committee.


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I currently teach on the below modules:

Undergraduate Level

C8304 Cognition (Class leader)

C8321 Research Methods and Data Analyses (Class leader)

C8426/C8427 Psychology Dissertation single and joint honours (Class leader)

C8201 Cognition and Neuropsychology

Postgraduate Level

C8928 Research Design (MSc in Research Methods in Psychology)

C8984 Psychobiology and Cognitive Psychology module (Online MSc in Psychology with a specialisation in Business)


Previous Teaching Contributions: C8305 Developmental Psychology; C8307 Social Psychology; C8942 Practical Research Skills (MSc in Research Methods in Psychology)



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Research Interests

My main research expertise is in the areas of social cognition and language processing. I am interested in automatic stereotyping and prejudice with a focus on identifying strategies to overcome the activation and application of such biases. Most of my past research has focused on occupational gender biases (e.g. spontaneous inference making that a builder is male and a nurse is female), though I have also examined biases in relation to race, disability, age and deafness. More recently, I am also interested in research with a pedagogical focus e.g. in relation to teaching, learning, assessment, academic outcomes and the student experience and am currently planning research projects in this area.


Dissertation Supervision:

I supervise up to ten students each year across UG and MSc level (both online students and on-campus students). Projects typically centre on stereotyping and prejudice, with students encouraged to identify specific areas they are interested in within these topics. As above, I am also interested in supervising research with a pedagogical focus in the future. 

Professional Activities

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Performance-related feedback as a strategy for overcoming automatic gender stereotypes in the short and long term

More professional activities

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Dr Eimear Finnegan
Teaching Fellow

Email: eimear.finnegan@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted