Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice (MSc)Gillian Cameron

I am an experienced pharmacist with a background in community pharmacy but for the last few years I have worked in primary care. I have an independent prescribing qualification and I work in general practice to support the safe use of medicines, management of long term conditions and promote patient centred care.

I decided to study the Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice course at Strathclyde because the course content met my learning requirements to allow me to develop and extend my current role. The learning provided by my course was tailored to the needs of the service that I work in and enabled me to develop my knowledge and skills to work at a more advanced level. I also preferred the option of learning with a group of my peers face to face as opposed to online learning.

Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (SIPBS) building

Strathclyde's campus facilities were good and ideally located in the city centre. What I liked most about the course was the teaching by experienced specialist colleagues. The teaching team were diverse and provided a wealth of experience, from academics to pharmacists with special interests.

Since completing the course I have achieved a promotion to become an Advanced Clinical Pharmacist within my health board and I use the skills and knowledge gained to develop other pharmacists.

I think that working directly with the teaching team and meeting colleagues face to face means that this course gives an enhanced learning experience. This cannot be achieved by similar courses that are delivered exclusively online.