HEA Fellowship Recognition at Strathclyde

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Welcome to Strathclyde’s Framework for Professional Recognition of Teaching. This framework provides a tool for you to plan your development in learning and teaching, and has been approved and accredited by the Higher Education Academy so that your participation in elements of this framework can be recognised through the award of an appropriate category of fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

Participation in this framework is free and is open to all staff involved in learning and teaching, including those who teach, and those who support teaching, including support and technical staff.

Pathways to Recognition at Strathclyde

Strathclyde University offers a flexible approach to fellowship recognition, offering both taught and experiential pathways for Associate Fellow and Fellow of the HEA

For Senior Fellowship of the HEA (UKPSF descriptor category D3), application is through the experiential route.

Note that we do not offer a recognition pathway to Principal Fellowship of the HEA, and individuals can apply for this directly through the HEA. Support is available from OSDU if you wish to pursue Principal Fellowship.

The pathways for recognition at Strathclyde are summarised in the table below.

 Table 1: Strathclyde Recognition Framework  

Recognition Category

Individual Role

Route 1 (Taught Pathway)

Route 2 (Experiential Pathway)

HEA Associate Fellow

Early career researchers with some teaching responsibilities, or staff involved in supporting learning and teaching.

Normally at least 1 semester of relevant activity


Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines (20 credits, SCQF level 11)


Submission of Account of Professional Practice (approx. 1500 - 2000 words) plus 2 statements from referees.


HEA Fellow

Early career and experienced academics with teaching responsibilities

 Normally at least 1 academic year of relevant activity (including evaluation and reflection)

Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines (20 credits, SCQF level 11)



1 additional 20-credit class from the Learning and Teaching in HE core classes.


Submission of Account of Professional Practice (approx. 3000 words) plus 2 statements from referees.

HEA Senior Fellow

Individuals with sustained record in leading, managing, organising programmes or discipline areas


Submission of Account of Professional Practice and 2 case studies (approx. 6000 words) plus 2 statements from referees.


HEA Principal Fellow

Highly experienced academics with sustained record of impact at a strategic level in learning and teaching.



No accredited Strathclyde route. Individual applications through HEA

 HEA Fellowship Recognition Handbook

The first step to getting started in the programme is to register to attend a “Professional Recognition of Learning and Teaching Information Workshop”. This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward, and provide information on peer support networks and developmental opportunities to support you in your journey to successful accreditation.

You can register to attend one of these workshops at the following course booking page here:

STEP - HEA Fellowship Information Session

Alternatively you can obtain further information by e-mailing,



At a Glance

Professional Accreditation

HEA Fellowship Recognition Handbook    

HEA Academy