MSc Environmental EngineeringSachin Sreedharan

Sachin is an international student who graduated in 2023 and now works as a Graduate Water Quality Consultant at Environmental Risk Reduction company, Adler and Allan. 

He investigates water pollution incidents by conducting on-site assessments and generating detailed reports to identify the nature and extent of the pollution incidents.

He tells us the most valuable thing he learned on the MSc programme and why he would recommend it to a friend. 

What did you enjoy most on your course?

The most valuable thing I learned and experienced was the broad scope of the environmental engineering field and the critical role of teamwork in environmental projects.

The course has opened my eyes to the vast and interconnected nature of environmental engineering, showing me that it encompasses various facets such as pollution control, sustainability, waste management, and much more.

However, the most important lesson I took away from this class was the significance of effective teamwork in successfully tackling environmental challenges. Each team member brings different areas of expertise to the table, and the proper allocation of resources and efficient project management are essential for achieving successful outcomes.

This experience has underscored the fact that addressing complex environmental issues requires a multidisciplinary approach and effective coordination among team members to ensure that projects are executed with ease and success.

Would you recommend studying at Strathclyde?

I would highly recommend Strathclyde for several compelling reasons. The intense but knowledgeable course structure at Strathclyde is one of its standout features. The way the program is designed, makes the learning experience much more engaging.

It allows students to delve into environmental engineering topics in-depth and see how they relate to each other, creating a comprehensive understanding of the field.

The one-year duration of the program is an advantage. It not only imparts knowledge in environmental engineering but also places a strong emphasis on developing crucial interpersonal and project management skills. These skills are invaluable and highly sought after in the industry. The practical application of these skills through the coursework and projects equips students with the tools they need to excel in their future careers.