Wind & Marine Energy Systems & Structures

This centre offers the UK’s only comprehensive doctoral training programme in Wind & Marine Energy Systems & Structures (CDT-WAMSS), bringing together the leading UK research groups in Wind Energy and Offshore Structures at Strathclyde, Marine Energy at the University of Edinburgh and Offshore Structures at the University of Oxford.


University of Strathclyde for more information about Wind Energy and Offshore Structures and to apply to Track A or Track B at Strathclyde.

University of Edinburgh for more information about Marine Energy and to apply to Track B at Edinburgh.

University of Oxford DPhil and DEng pages for more information about Offshore Structures, Geotechnics and Environmental Fluid Mechanics and to apply to Track B at Oxford.

Find out more about Track A and Track B.

Currently advertising

The WAMESS CDT is currently advertising for studentships in both tracks of the CDT (find out more about Track A and Track B).

Track A

Applications are open for Track A students. Track A is for students who wish to have their academic training programme to be concentrated in the first year of their 4 years in the CDT. Their research project is then completed over the remaining three years. This means that a student has longer in which to choose their research project. The broad initial training programme can help to inform a student’s choice of research project. Track A students will be based at the University of Strathclyde for all 4 years of the CDT.

Track B

Applications are open for Track B students in the following set research projects:

Track B students will be based at the University of Strathclyde for the first semester of the CDT. The remainder of the PhD will be carried out at the host university: Strathclyde, Edinburgh or Oxford.