Post-Pandemic Provocations Medical Humanities Roundtable Series

July and August 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is having significant impacts on the ways in which we conduct and disseminate our research that will change how we, as scholars of the medical humanities, approach our field in the future. How do we move forward from this? What new avenues are open to us in the post-COVID world? Can we use this pandemic to reassess our methodologies and enrich our networks to foster a truly global research community?

This series of online roundtables was organised by the Medical Humanities Fellows on the Wellcome Trust China/UK collaborative research programme between the Universities of Strathclyde, Manchester, Shanghai, Fudan and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The fellows represent three emergent areas of the wider field of medical humanities covering a diverse range of expertise, ranging from neurodiversity studies, visual culture to pain experience. Each session carried a theme related to medical humanities and aimed to address the impact of the global pandemic on our research practice. We were interested to hear from other scholars about how they have navigated the limitations posed by the crisis, such as the closure of archives or restrictions around conducting in-person interviews, but also how the pandemic has led to new approaches and brought unexpected benefits such as the strengthening of global networks.

Where and When

This virtual conference took place across three roundtables in July and August 2021 and featured scholars from our partner institutions in China and around the world.

The Post Pandemic Provocations Programme is available to download.

The sessions were recorded and can be accessed below. We hope that the discussions will continue after the event via social media so that scholars from around the globe can participate. You can follow the roundtable series on Twitter @PProvocations

Pain - 5 July 2021

Processing - 19 July 2021

Policy - 2 August 2021