FinanceFinancial Management System (FMS) - Student placements

How to claim expenses

Students on certain courses (for example, Post Graduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Education, BA in Social Work) are entitled to claim placement expenses.

This can be done online through the Financial Management System. Your department will let you know the internal budget code against which these expenses should be charged. This code has to be entered when you are completing the online expenses claim form.


  1. Access the Financial Management System.
  2. When prompted enter your University username, then ‘DS’ into the domain field and then your University password. Instructions on logging on to FMS and some basic navigation can be found on Introduction to FMS SharePoint (login required) in the document entitled ‘FMS Web Introduction v1’.
  3. Documentation explaining how the system can be used to claim expenses can be found on Expenses (SharePoint)
  4. The University’s policy on Travel and Expenses can be found here: Travel Policy  Expense Policy 
  5. If you have any questions or issues that are not covered by the information on the FMS Knowledge Hub, direct them to:

Bank account details

If you'd like to be paid directly into your Bank Account, complete this form: Student Bank Information Form


  1. download a copy of the Form to your own PC or personal drive
  2. if necessary change the View to 'Edit' on Microsoft Word
  3. email: 
  4. enter ‘Student Placement Bank Account’ in the ‘subject/title’ line of your email
  5. send this from your University Email account so we know it's from you

Hints and tips

Browsers and operating systems

The FMS system runs well on most current browsers and operating systems (see advice here: Supported Browsers for FMS). However, you may experience problems if you try to use older browsers or attempt to access the system by opening a web browser on your phone (mobile apps have not yet been implemented).

Networks and services providers

Some schools and social work offices have network restrictions that may prevent you from accessing the system from their equipment and network. There should be no issue with accessing the FMS system from a campus PC or from most home Internet Service Providers.