Curriculum (2024/25)

At Strathclyde all students must take a minimum 120 credits worth of classes each year (One credit is equivalent to 10 hours of student learning, which can involve attending lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and background reading for example).

The curricula for the degrees is shown in the table below:

First Year (MPhys, BSc, BPwT, MPhys with Advanced Research)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH180 Experimental Physics(20)

PH181 Mathematics for Physics 1A (20)

PH182 Mathematics for Physics 1B (20)

PH183 Mechanics and Waves (20)

PH184 Quantum Physics and Electromagnetism (20)

PH185 Computational and Physics Skills (20)

Second Year (MPhys, BSc, BPwT, MPhys with Advanced Research)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH280 Experimental Physics (20)

PH281 Mathematics for Physics 2A (20)

PH282 Mathematics for Physics 2B (20)

PH283 Mechanics, Optics and Waves (20)

PH284 Quantum Physics and Electromagnetism (20)

PH285 Computational and Physics Skills (20)

Third Year (MPhys, BSc, BPwT)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH384 Quantum Physics and Electromagnetism (20)

PH386 Condensed Matter Physics (20)

PH387 Gases, Liquids and Thermodynamics (20)

PH380 Experimental Physics (40) and 1 Optional Class (20) or PH390 Experimental Physics II (20) and 2 Optional Classes (40)

Third Year (MPhys with Advanced Research)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH384 Quantum Physics and Electromagnetism (20)

PH386 Condensed Matter Physics (20)

PH387 Gases, Liquids and Thermodynamics (20)

PH389 Mathematical Physics (20)

PH380 Experimental Physics (40) or PH390 Experimental Physics II (20) and 1 Optional Class (20)

Fourth Year (MPhys, BSc)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH450 Project (40)

Optional Classes (80)

Fourth Year (BPwT)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

X7457 (20)

X7459 (20)

X7460 (40)

X7487 (40)

Fourth Year (MPhys with Advanced Research)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH450 Project (40)

PH551 Research Skills (20)

Optional Classes (60)

Fifth Year (MPhys)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH550 Project (40)

PH551 Research Skills (20)

Optional Classes (60)

Fifth Year (MPhys with Advanced Research)
Physics ClassesEducation Classes

PH570 Project (100)

Optional Classes (60)