Mrs Susan Greer

Asst Continuous Improvement Facilitator

Continuous Improvement


Personal statement

Susan joined Continuous Improvement in 2014. She facilitates improvement sessions using a variety of continuous improvement tools and techniques. Susan also provides administrative support to improvement projects and to the University’s Innovation Forum. Susan joined the University in 2007, working in Human Resources. In this role she handled recruitment and contract administration for the Faculty of Engineering. She also provided lead administrative support for Regrading Panels and Contribution Pay. Susan holds a BA in Applied Business and Management. Susan was an active member of the Strathclyde Sport Advisory Board and is currently a Professional Services representative on the Statutory Advisory Committee on Safety and Occupational Health. Susan is also a proud recipient of a Strathclyde Values Medal for being people-oriented and collaborative.

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Mrs Susan Greer
Asst Continuous Improvement Facilitator
Continuous Improvement

Tel: 548 4017