Continuous Improvement - Case StudyLean for Leaders: MSc Placement Process


MSc Human Resource Management and MSc International Human Resource Management students are encouraged to investigate a HR related business issue via a placement within an organisation as part of their dissertation and to gain their professional qualification requirement.   The Department of Work, Employment and Organisation source placements that students can apply for.   An initial review of the process of sourcing placements highlighted the need to make efficiencies to decrease the end to end process time, improve student engagement and the stakeholder experience.


What changes were implemented?

  • Manual form replaced with an improved online form to gather student placement preferences
  • Creation of a bank of templates to support staff during the stages of engaging with organisations
  • Creation of a template to improve communication with students and ensure consistency when advertising placements
  • Standard Operating Procedures and timeline developed to support the end to end process
  • Improved communications to organisations to ensure information regarding short-listing and interviews is confirmed at the earliest stage

What was achieved?

Process time reduction

11 days reduction in end-to end-end process time.

Placements increase

61% increase in the number of organisations offering placements.

Applications increase

149% point increase in student placement applications.