Continuous Improvement - Case StudyStudent Registration


Students waiting in a queue All new students must officially register before commencing their studies at Strathclyde, this includes collecting their student card.  For international students, the registration process has additional steps to ensure that visa compliance requirements are met.  This resulted in significantly longer waiting times for international students which had a negative impact on their experience.

What changes were implemented?

  • Greater communication with students in advance and upon arrival
  • A new layout in the room with visual aides
  • Early card collection for Home/EU/RUK students, commended by the Student Loan Company Ltd
  • Dedicated registration times for each Faculty to reduce congestion
  • Social space for new students

What was achieved?

Waiting time

83% reduction in average waiting time for international students.

Cost savings

£5000 annual cost saving on furniture hire.


1,800 students participating in the early card collection scheme.