
This page lists some commonly-used Finance forms. Detailed instruction on how to use them can be found under the relevant Service pages.

Detailed information about purchasing goods and services can be found on the purchasing goods and services webpage.

Request for payment

Please refer to the purchasing goods and services from external suppliers page before using the Request for Payment form.


VAT certificate information can be found on the VAT detailed information page.

Expense claim forms

Please refer to the expense claims and travel advances before completing one of the expense claim forms below.

Note that expense claims and travel advances for the following groups of staff and students should be submitted online using FMS:

  • All University staff
  • All postgraduate students (research and taught)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) undergraduate students

The following expense claim forms are available for non-FMS users (non-University staff and undergraduate students outside HaSS):

Detailed information about Payroll can be found on the payroll homepage.


Staff fees/overtime payments

Finance has produced Guidelines for Overtime Working and Payments.

The following forms are used:

Detailed information about insurance can be found on the insurance page.