International students Working after studies

International students on a Student or Tier 4 visa can explore post-study work options in the UK through specific immigration routes.

For details on current Student/Tier 4 visa work rules and permitted hours, including the period after you complete your studies, visit our Working during studies page.

What you need to know

Postgraduate law student

On completion of studies

After you complete your course, you can download your results PDF from the Curriculum History tab in your PEGASUS account.  This document will confirm your studies are complete.

Remember that the responsibility is on the employer to ensure you have permission to work full-time.  They do this by carrying out Right to Work checks with UKVI.

You can provide your employer with a share-code and a copy of your results letter.  Our note for employers also has helpful guidance about what University of Strathclyde students can provide to show that you can work and when you can work.

student thinking

Important points to consider

Before applying for a UK work visa: 

  • Fees and costs: Expect to pay for the visa application and Immigration Health Surcharge.
  • Dependants: Consider if your partner and children can apply to join you.
  • Eligibility timeline when students can apply to switch:
    • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students - required to complete course before applying to switch
    • Postgraduate Research students - complete 24 months of study first
  • Application location: Some visas restrict to applying in the UK or outside the UK only.
  • Finances and documents: Prepare these well in advance to meet strict visa requirements.
  • Official financial sponsorship: Written consent may be needed if you received government funding for your course fees and living costs in the last year.
  • Timely application: If eligible to apply in the UK, do so before your current visa expires.

Post-study work visa options

The Temporary Work visa route offers several schemes allowing individuals to undertake specific types of work for a period of one or two years. 

Certain nationalities can apply for the Youth Mobility Scheme visa if you are of a certain age bracket, have savings and want to live/work in the UK for up to two years. This visa also permits study and work in most jobs. 

The Government Authorised Exchange visa scheme is for individuals who wish to come to the UK for work experience, to do training, or research. In order apply for this visa, you must have a sponsor and meet the other eligibility requirements. 

For a full list of Temporary Worker visa routes, please visit the following pages. 

Other visa options are available but for specific situations. For details on eligibility and requirements, please see the following pages.

  • British National (Overseas) visa - if you are from Hong Kong with a British National (Overseas) passport who wants to live, work or study in the UK
  • High Potential Individual (HPI) visa - if you have an undergraduate or postgraduate degree from one of the top global universities from outside the UK, list of eligible institutions in link
  • Global Talent visa - if you are an internationally recognised leader or potential leader in arts and culture, humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and medical science research, engineering or digital technology (this replaced the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa)
  • UK ancestry visa - if you are a Commonwealth citizen, British Overseas Territories citizen, British National (Overseas), British Overseas citizens or British subject who intends to work in the UK and meet other eligibility requirements
  • Scale-up Worker visa - if you are doing an eligible job for a fast-growing UK business (sometimes called "scale-up business"), your UK employer must meet eligibility criteria to sponsor scale-up workers
  • India Young Professionals Scheme visa - if you are an Indian national between ages 18 to 30, visa is to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years and you must be selected through India Young Professionals Scheme ballot

 There are also the Global Business Mobility routes, which have five different visa routes:

Further advice and support