Strathclyde SportWalk at Work winner

Strathclyde Sport has successfully been awarded a Paths for All Walk at Work Award, for its dedication to improving staff health and wellbeing at the University of Strathclyde.

The award was given to the entire university in recognition of the fantastic resources and initiatives that we have available through Strathclyde Sport and ExHALE. Within the last two years ExHALE has become a hub of all thing’s active health and wellbeing, allowing members of the university community to access inclusive activity options. Paths for All noted the following initiatives as key when presenting the award:

Accepting the Walk at Work Award, Cat Mann (Strathclyde Sports Active Lifestyle Officer) said:

“Walking is such a brilliant and inclusive way to encourage people to move more and focus on their health and wellbeing. We have had huge successes with many of our walking initiatives and the feedback from participants has been over whelming positive. I am so pleased to have received this recognition from Paths for All and look forward to continuing to encourage accessible activity and walking for all members of the University community in 2023”.

Recent findings from UK workplaces reveal that half of all employees experience poor mental health at work, including stress, anxiety and depression. Regular walking can reduce the effects of poor mental health, particularly walking in greenspace.

Carl Greenwood, Senior Development Officer at Paths for All, urges all Scottish workplaces to take their employees’ health seriously.

“Congratulations to Strathclyde University for achieving our Walk at Work Award. It’s brilliant to see Scottish workplaces take the lead in creating a work-based walking culture and making improvements to staff health and wellbeing.”

“Research shows that employees who are physically active in and around the working day take fewer sick days, are more motivated and productive, and are more able to concentrate, so walking is not just good for us, it’s good for business.

“I would urge any Scottish workplace to follow Strathclyde Universities lead and use Paths for All’s support to take small steps to a healthier workforce.”

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