Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine EngineeringGender Equality & Athena Swan

NAOME Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Group.

As an inclusive university community, we are committed to achieving and promoting equality of opportunity in its learning, teaching, research and working environments, and to ensuring these environments support positive relations between people and a culture of respect. As a provider of employment and education, we value the diversity of our staff and students and are committed to encouraging everyone to realise their full potential.

NAOME Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Group.

Please meet our NAOME Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Group.

Women in NAOME

The Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering department is dedicated to providing equal opportunities to all of our students and staff. We strive to nurture an environment of diversity and inclusion in order to best support our research and teaching activities.  We are holding an Athena SWAN bronze award. The award recognises our 'commitment to advancing women's careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine.

Mentoring and Support

Offering support and advice across a range of services to help you get the most out of your studies at Strathclyde.