Equality & DiversitySupport and Advice

At Strathclyde, our first priority is the safety, health and wellbeing of our University community. 

A safe campus is the responsibility of everyone who is part of the University community: staff, students and visitors.

Unacceptable behaviour has no place at Strathclyde and we will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying.

This page provide information on where to go for support and advice, and how to report concerns and incidents.

A safe campus is the responsibility of everyone who is part of the University community: staff, students and visitors.

We all have a responsibility to report if someone’s safety has been threatened, whether that is through inappropriate behaviour, verbal or physical harassment, or other actions that make them feel unsafe, for example threatening posters, stickers or graffiti.

If you have witnessed or experienced any such behaviour or incidents, you can report via our online Report and Support facility.

Please report, even if you think you don’t have enough information for us to take action immediately.

At Strathclyde, our first priority is the safety, health and wellbeing of our University community. 

Unacceptable behaviour has no place at Strathclyde and we will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying. 

Safe360° means incorporating safety in every area of University life. For more information about policies, procedures and support visit the Safe360° webpages.

The ‘Ask Alex’ service for trans, non-binary and gender diverse students and staff connects named contacts working across the University who can provide advice, assistance and support in a range of areas. The named contacts act as a friendly first port-of-call who can coordinate support or find out information on your behalf.

For more information or to contact an Ask Alex named contact visit the Ask Alex webpage

A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s actual or presumed disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or whether they are transgender.

Hate crimes and incidents can be reported to the police. However there are third-party reporting schemes which allow victims to report hate crimes to the police anonymously via a third party such as a community group or website. Any information you give at a Third Party Reporting centre is confidential and anonymous if you prefer. Information does not have to be shared, you can choose what information to give and who it is passed on to.

Strathclyde Students' Union is a Third Party Reporting centre and you can make a report at the Advice Hub within the Students Union. Email: strathunion.advice@strath.ac.uk or telephone: 0141 567 5040 or call into the office in the Lounge, level 5 of the Student’s Association.

Please read the following guide for further information on how to deal with hate crime Guide to hate crime

Another useful resource is Under the Magnifying Glass: A Dissection of Hate Crime

You can report a Hate Crime as follows:

Report anonymously online: Report and Support

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a powerful two-minute video with spoken word by George the Poet to raise awareness of hate crime and encourage people to report it.

George explores the role of silence, prejudice and misinformation in hate, before challenging us all about our own response.

The video was launched as part of the Great Get Together 16-18 June 2017 weekend to highlight that we all have ‘more in common… than that which divides us’.

Scotland has introduced Forced Marriage Protection Orders, which safeguard your rights and make it a criminal offence to breach the Order.

A forced Marriage is a marriage in which one or both parties do not (or, in the case of some adults with learning or physical disabilities, cannot) consent to the marriage and duress is involved. Duress includes both physical and emotional pressure. It is very different from arranged marriage, where both parties give their full and free consent to the marriage.

The Scottish Government believes that all people in Scotland who are eligible to marry or enter into a civil partnership have a right to do so freely and without coercion.

Read the Forced Marriage (Scotland) Act 2011

Further Assistance

If you believe you are being forced into a marriage against your wish, the following services can provide information, support and assistance:

Advice Hub at Strath Union
Learning & Teaching Building, 51 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1JH
Email: strathunion.advice@strath.ac.uk 
Web: https://www.strathunion.com/support/ 

University Chaplaincy Centre
Level 2 Graham Hills Building 50 George Street Glasgow G1 1QE
Email: chaplaincy@strath.ac.uk

National Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline Scotland
0800 027 1234 - Free confidential service open 24 hours a day

  • scottishwomensaid.org.uk
    24 hour Helpline providing information and support for those affected by domestic abuse.
  • mixtogether.org
    Online help site for mixed couples (mixed race, religion, caste), whose relationships are opposed by family or community.