Wellbeing matters

Colleague wellbeing hub

This page is a central resource to support your workplace wellbeing. On this page, you'll find links to support your emotional, financial and physical wellbeing.

You'll also find a section that offers support and guidance linked to agile working.

Student support

If you're a student looking for wellbeing support, please visit the student Disability & Wellbeing pages.

StrathStaff Podcast

Staff Wellbeing Support at Strathclyde

If you want to find out more about Workplace Wellbeing at Strathclyde, then you can listen to the wellbeing edition of our Staff Podcast with our Workplace Health & Wellbeing Manager Kevin Donovan for a behind-the-scenes look at the University’s Wellbeing Strategy, how to access support as staff and what is being done to embed wellbeing into our university culture.

Listen to the podcast

StrathStaff Podcast featuring Kevin Donovan, with title Staff Wellbeing Support with Kevin Donovan overlay text

Upcoming events

Regular events

Sign up to take part in our Strathclyde Coffee Roulette and each month you'll be paired at random with another participating colleague. All you have to do is arrange a coffee break with your assigned buddy. You only have to sign up once to be part of Strathclyde Coffee Roulette.

You'll receive a monthly email giving details of your coffee partner. You can pause participation or unsubscribe at any time.

It’s a great way to meet new colleagues, expand your network, be socially active, and support your overall well-being by having some fun social interaction. Don't be shy - put your name on the spinning wheel and get to know your colleagues by playing Strathclyde Coffee Roulette!


Suicide impacts all of us, whether by knowing someone who has died in this way or having worked through a suicidal crisis or personal attempt. The Canmore Trust are facilitating ‘Safe Space’ sessions at the University of Strathclyde for anyone who has been impacted by suicide at any point in their lives – whether recent or distant.

The sessions will be hosted by The Canmore Trust’s ‘Experienced Friends’. Experienced Friends are people with personal experience of the impact of suicide and who have undergone additional training, including Leading First Aid for Mental Health. They are also experienced in group facilitation. The groups are open to any member of Strathclyde Staff. In the creation of safe spaces for discussion, confidentiality is paramount. The Canmore Trust will be working independently of the University and no aspect of group discussions will be shared with the University.

Sessions take place in the Disability and Wellbeing Room - TL466 at level 4 of the Learning and Teaching Building, Mary Dunn Wing at 6:15pm on the last Tuesday of each month. If you need any further information linked to this session you can contact tony.kane@strath.ac.uk.

Are you starting exercise, or looking to get away from the buzz of the gym?

Gym Confidence sessions see our cycle studio transformed into a quiet space with no background music and a selection of fitness equipment available to use. There will be a member of the H&F team present at the sessions. Contact Strathclyde Sport to book.

Strathclyde Sport is launching a new training course which is designed to encourage staff members to incorporate more activity into their working day. The aim of the course is to allow staff to feel more confident in the following: Arranging a departmental walk, planning a walking or active meeting and knowledge of university campus and spaces, to ensure walks are accessible and inclusive.

Wellness consultations are designed to help you find ways to add activity into your lifestyle and modify other lifestyle behaviours. They are one-to-one consultations with one of our Health & Fitness Coaches who will advise you on getting started on your fitness journey and may involve some activity so you should wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

These appointments are free to all members of Strathclyde Sport and non-member Staff of the University and are bookable online up to 14 days in advance. You will receive a starter exercise programme relating to your identified goals. Should you wish a full Personalised Exercise Plan this service is available, at an extra charge. Please discuss this with one of our Health & Fitness Coaches. Pop into Strathclyde Sport today for a chat.

Weekly drop-in session (no need to book) every Tuesday from 13.30 to 14.30 in the University Chaplaincy, Level 2 of the Graham Hills Building (enter via 50 George Street). Providing a supportive space for anyone who is grieving the loss of someone important them. Sessions are facilitated by two members of the Disability and Wellbeing Service.

Tuesdays, 12pm to 1pm
Sports Hall 1 at Strathclyde Sport with 16 available spots

Part of the StrathActive programme which is open to all staff & students on campus regardless of ability.

If you fancy playing badminton for fun and without the commitment of joining a club then our badminton sessions could be for you. It’s all about playing with friends in a casual and friendly environment.


Register for Staff Badminton Session

For more details and information on how to sign up please email meg.masson@strath.ac.uk or colin.flynn@strath.ac.uk

Morning session (online), 8.30am to 8.50am

First-timers are asked to log on at 8.20 for a settling-in and chat about what to expect. A great way to start your day with a bit of 'me time'!

Lunchtime session (in-person), 12.30pm to 12.50pm

In-person lunchtime meditation and mindfulness sessions are being run in the Student Disability & Wellbeing Room which you’ll find in the Mary Dunn Wing of the Learning & Teaching Building.

Again newbies are asked to pop along at 12.20pm for an introductory settling-in chat.

Mindful meditation sessions

Sessions are being held from 3.15pm-4.15pm and 4.30pm-5.30pm every Wednesday afternoon at the Chaplaincy with Buddhist monk, Rev Morawaka Dhammarakkhita. For more details and information on how to sign up please email meg.masson@strath.ac.uk.

Thursdays, 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Many of us have the same issue: you rush to have your lunch at your desk because your to-do list is waiting and there is no common area around you where you could take a proper break with colleagues. If you’re a researcher and would like a change from your desk lunches, come along with your food to the Researchers’ Group weekly lunch meet-up on campus. We meet in different lunch spots on campus, you can find the location and timing each week on our SharePoint page. There is no agenda, no obligations – just a chance to meet fellow researchers!

Need help now?

If you feel that you need help now, please contact your GP or you can call NHS 24 on 111. If you're in an emergency situation then the following Emergency Response Services are available:

 Campus Security 0141 548 2222 
 Emergency Services 999 
 Accident & Emergency Service Nearest to the University is Glasgow Royal Infirmary on Castle Street 
 NHS 24 Call 111 for health information and self-care advice 
 Safe360 At Strathclyde, our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of our whole University community. We want to make sure everyone feels safe and secure and supported to report any incidence of inappropriate behaviour, so that it can be challenged and addressed, and appropriate support provided. Visit our Safe360 pages to find a range of resources and support mechanisms designed to ensure we are incorporating safety into every area of University life. 

You can also access a list of support organisations who may be able to help.

Support organisations

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Call: +44 (0)800 882 4102

A free, independent, confidential service which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This gives you access to a specialist team of experienced, qualified counsellors who can help with a wide range of concerns such as relationship difficulties, anxiety and emotional problems, work-related issues, bereavement, family difficulties, stress and debt.

To access PAM Assist you can call the number above or follow these steps to create your account and access support online:

  1. Click the PAM Assist link www.pam-assist.co.uk, go to Log-In and select Sign Up
  2. You will be asked to insert your Organisational Code - this is UoS1
  3. Create your log-in details using either your work or personal email and pick a password
  4. Validate your account via the bounce-back notification email
  5. LOGIN using the email address and password you just used to sign up.

Once your account is created you can access the site anytime via the link above - just use the email and password you signed up with to log in.

The Samaritans

The Samaritans have 201 branches across the UK and Republic of Ireland and can be contacted about anything a person might be going through; they don’t need to be suicidal.

  • they can be called free any time, from any phone on 116 123, 24 hours a day
  • or you can email jo@samaritans.org  365 days a year

Hub of Hope

Hub of Hope is an external resource that will signpost to support in your local area.

Breathing Space

0800 83 85 87 (All weekend and Monday to Thursday 6pm to 2am)


Text 85258 - Shout is the UK's first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.

NHS Choices

The NHS website has a wide range of advice and practical tools for raising awareness of mental health conditions, self-management of symptoms and sources of further specialist help.


Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. It campaigns to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.

Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink is the largest national voluntary sector provider of mental health services with 340 services and more than 130 support groups. It helps over 48,000 people every year through its services, support groups and by providing information on mental health.