
Support for staff members with caring responsibilities at Strathclyde

Who are we?

We are a support group for staff members who have, intend to have, or have had caring responsibilities.

The group encompasses staff members who care for someone who is ill, old and/or frail, disabled or requiring significant assistance; care may be substantial or ad-hoc.

The Carers group meet meets every once a month, providing the opportunity to network with other carers and share concerns and experiences. As well as allowing the opportunity for carers to come together to discuss issues and support each other, we encourage the group to suggest topics for discussion and suggest guest speakers or sessions that they would find beneficial.

When & where does the group meet?

The meetings are mostly online via Zoom with an in-person meeting every three months. The days and times vary to try and accommodate as many different working arrangements as possible. These meetings are held by Lesley Storer, Senior HR Adviser (lesley.storer@strath.ac.uk) and Michelle McVey, Assistant HR Partner (michelle.mcvey@strath.ac.uk). Should you wish to join these meetings please contact either Lesley or Michelle and they will provide you with the diary invite for the dates the meetings are to be held along with the Zoom meeting details.

The Carer Policy

You can register as a carer by updating your personal details, via the HR tab on Pegasus. If you have any questions or issues regarding registering please contact Lesley or Michelle who will be happy to provide advice or support. Many staff who are registered as carers may not wish to regularly attend the Carers Group. However, by registering, you will receive emails with information that may be relevant for you in your role as a carer

Our Carer Policy outlines the support which the University offers to staff with caring responsibilities and links to other relevant policies that may be applicable.

Support for Carers

Please see our Carer Policy.

Carers have access to other support, advice and assistance which includes: 

  • Staff Counselling and Employee Assistance Programme (PAM Assist): This programme is designed to help staff acquire the skills to deal with challenges to a balanced and productive life at work and home, which can be acute for our Carers. Benefits include: a telephone helpline, which is available 24/7; up to 6-face-to-face counselling sessions, which are offered near the staff member's home or place of work; and access to online resources, providing information and advice on a range of topics including the wellbeing of Carers.
  • Chaplaincy Centre: The Chaplaincy provides opportunities for Carers to spend time in worship, quiet thought, a community environment or meditation. The team of multi-faith Chaplains can provide assistance to Carers, which includes bereavement support
  • External Support: The following external support services may be of assistance to Carers
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