Kathrin, from Germany, is an Economics graduate. Below, she explains what she thought of studying Economics at Strathclyde.
I really enjoyed my course. You will have the chance to choose from a variety of interesting classes that are relevant for a career in economics. My degree allowed me to acquire a range of skills needed as an economist – ranging from economics specific skills such as econometrics or an understanding of how the economy works as a whole, to report writing, presentation skills or working in a team. Another great part of the economics degree is that lecturers are passionate about their teaching and very approachable – you can always ask questions during class or office hours.
Right after graduating with a BA (Hons) Economics I started my role as an economist at the Scotch Whisky Association – the trade body for the Scotch Whisky industry. My role requires good numerical skills, an understanding of how the economy works as a whole as well as a range of soft skills such as report writing, project management and presentation skills, all of which I acquired during my studies at Strathclyde. In the long run, I am planning to complete a Master degree and a PhD in economics which will directly build on my economics undergraduate degree.