Mathematics & Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Strathclyde lies at the heart of the University's aim to develop useful learning. Our research emphasises how mathematics and statistics can be applied in the real world.

Our undergraduate and postgraduate degrees develop mathematicians and statisticians who are able to translate their skills into any career they choose.

Who are we?

More information on the staff, students and activities within the department can be found using the links below:


Seminar and Colloquia Events






Eva's story

In the video below, Mathematics with Teaching student Eva tells us what she enjoys most about studying with us:


Discover more about Mathematics & Statistics

Professor Chris Robertson article in The Lancet

Professor Chris Robertson is a partner in a study funded by Health Data Research UK and published in The Lancet Regional Health that looks at how the pandemic “exacerbated NHS struggle to meet demand”. The study finds that NHS Scotland must treat at least 20% more non-emergency hospital cases over the next three years to eliminate the backlog caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Chris said: “This study of elective care waiting lists in Scotland is based upon publicly available open data provided by NHS Scotland and uses statistical models to estimate the capacity increase required to clear the backlog.”  Read more about the study.

Headshot of Professor Robertson

IPTA 2024 Workshop, University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is pleased to be hosting the IPTA 2024 workshop on 18th and 19th December 2024. 

Conference Details and Registration 

Professor Apala Majumdar appointed Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is proud to announce that Professor Apala Majumdar has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE). The research undertaken by Professor Majumdar (Associate Dean International Research), focuses on the mathematics and modelling of liquid crystals and partially ordered materials, including their applications in industry.   She has also been awarded a Distinguished Kirk Fellowship by the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge and a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation. Learn more about The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE).

Professor Apala Majumdar

Mathematics and Statistics Graduation Ceremony - 20th June 2024

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics would like to congratulate our new BSc, MMath, MSc and PhD students who graduated on Thursday 20th June 2024.  A number of our staff were able to attend the ceremony and were pleased to be able to celebrate the achievements of our students.  It was great to see their hard work rewarded. Photographs from the event can be found on our Instagram account @strathmathstat and the Graduation Ceremony can be reviewed on the University of Strathclyde Graduations channel.

A group of academic staff from the department of Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics and Statistics Professor named Most Memorable at Teaching Excellence Awards 2024

Congratulations to Professor Xuerong Mao who was awarded ‘Most Memorable’ at the recent Teaching Excellence Awards (TEAs). The TEAs are organised by the Strathclyde Student Union and are student-led awards recognising the best of Strathclyde staff.  Professor Mao commented “I was lucky to win the award amongst the other deserving M&S staff members and award nominees and would like to thank the students for their nomination”. 

Congratulations also to Dr Ryan Stewart who was shortlisted for the ‘Innovative Practices’ award.  Visit the Strath Union website for details of the winners and those that were shortlisted.

Dr Kim Kavanagh invited to join Scottish Government Expert Group on Cervical Cancer Elimination

Dr Kim Kavanagh has been invited by Public Health Scotland (PHS) to join the Scottish Government Expert Group on Cervical Cancer Elimination. Chaired by Professor Anna Glasier OBE, Women’s Health Champion, the Expert Group will lead work and advise on steps to eliminate Cervical Cancer in Scotland.

Dr Kavanagh’s work evaluating the impact of the HPV vaccination provided the evidence base for the vaccine and cervical screening policy in Scotland and contributed to the international evidence base.

Headshot of Dr Kim Kavanagh

Department Awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award

The department received an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in February 2024. The department is committed to fostering a teaching, learning and working environment where all staff and students feel welcomed, supported and valued.  We remain dedicated to building upon our progress in the next five years.

Professor Xuerong Mao has been ranked 5th in the UK for Best Scientist in the field of Mathematics by

Congratulations to Professor Xuerong Mao who has been ranked number 5 in the UK and number 95 in the World rankings of Best Scientist in the field of Mathematics by, a leading academic platform for researchers.

Professor Mao was also recognised with a 2024 Mathematics Leader Award for his research.

The ranking is based on D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline.  The ranking only includes leading scientists with a D-index of more than 30 for academic publications made in the area of Mathematics.

Explore full UK rankings and the World rankings.

Professor Apala Majumdar awarded Distinguished Kirk Fellowship by the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge)

Congratulations to Professor Apala Majumdar who has been awarded a Distinguished Kirk Fellowship by the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge) for her programme on 'Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials' during the summer of 2023.

Headshot of Professor Majumdar

Dr Alison Ramage elected Chair for the SIAM Board of Trustees

Dr Alison Ramage has been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). SIAM is an international community with over 14,500 individual members. Alison is the 4th female Chair (out of 21 since 1957), and this is only the second time the Chair has been based outside of the USA. Congratulations to Alison on achieving this prestigious role.

headshot of Dr Alison Ramage

Congratulations to our new BSc, MSc and PhD Graduates!

Some members of our staff (pictured below) attended the graduation ceremony on Tuesday 31st October, celebrating our BSc, MSc and PhD students receiving their degrees after all of their hard work. A video of the event can be found on the University Graduation YouTube channel

Congratulations again to all of our graduates!  We hope that you have a great time celebrating your success with your family and friends.

Group of lecturers in academic robes attending graduation

Glasgow Science Festival - Beyond the Display: The Science of Liquid Crystals

As part of their ESPRC funded project, Dr Joseph Cousins (Strathclyde and Glasgow) and Dr Akhshay Bjadwal (Nottingham Trent) organised a stand with activities as part of the Glasgow Science Festival which was held at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow. 

Beyond the Display: The Science of Liquid Crystals, featured several activities: a portable microscope focused on the liquid crystal display of an old iPad; a table of chiral nematic liquid crystal thermochromic sensors; and an isotropic droplet race.

The event was a great success and was enjoyed by all who attended.  Learn more about this project.

Dr Jon Devlin recognised in Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards

Congratulations to Dr Jon Devlin who received a Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) for Early Career Impact at the awards ceremony on 30th August 2023.   Dr Devlin was nominated for his outreach work at Primary and Secondary schools throughout Scotland, showcasing the importance and real-life applications of Mathematics and Statistics. Explore our department .

Dr Jon Devlin standing with his certificate

Equality and Diversity

We value the diversity of our staff and students and are committed to encouraging everyone to realise their full potential...

Statistics & Mathematics Advice, Research & Training (SMART)

SMART is an expert consultancy unit that provides straightforward access to mathematical and statistical support and training. 

people gathered around table with laptops

Department Mental Health First Aider

Dr Ainsley Miller, Teaching Associate, is one of our department Mental Health First Aiders who offers a bespoke Mental Health Support Service (MHSS) which is run in-house, providing a space for students to meet and talk freely and openly without judgement about their mental health struggles.

Ainsley is a fully qualified Mental Health First Aider and Rape Crisis First Responder. 

The MHSS runs every Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm and is available to all students studying within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.   

If you wish to make an appointment, please contact