Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management

Discover more about design, manufacturing & engineering management

Experience DMEM through our blogs

Our department has a truly global network. 

We are proud of our diverse student community, our graduates securing jobs with the most competitive companies across a variety of industries and our staff who choose to work in DMEM from all over the world!

Meet our people, our community.

Our alumni

Our undergraduate students

Our MSc students

Our PhD students

DMEM turned 30!

2019 was the Department of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management (DMEM)'s 30th Anniversary.

Check out the pictures from our celebratory event, read the inspirational stories of our '30 People of DMEM' and see how we have evolved over the last three decades!

Our programmes are accredited by the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED), the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMEchE).

Our projects

The AMCF/ERDF funded Online Digital Manufacturing & Leadership CPD Programme (DML-CPD) project will provide SMEs across all manufacturing sectors with skills training in the areas of digital manufacturing and leadership. The project will support those SMEs through the digital transformation journey, from awareness to practical implementation of digital manufacturing technologies and concepts.


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