Physics student Rosie has discovered that the Strathclyde International Society is a great way to see more of Scotland. Find out more below about Rosie's life at Strathclyde.
Why did you choose to study at Strathclyde?
Strathclyde is one of the best in Scotland for physics and it is also one of the best research universities in the UK.
What attracted you to the International Society?
It seemed like a great way to meet new people and an opportunity to go on trips around Scotland.
What do you enjoy about studying/living in Glasgow?
There’s so much to do so near to the University. We’re right in the city centre so it’s just five minutes’ walk to the shops.
How welcoming do you find Strathclyde as a place for students?
Strathclyde is really great. I have personal advisers who check up on me every semester and every department has an adviser of studies who you can go speak to about anything worrying you.
What do you enjoy most about being part of the International Society?
All the fun nights out (pub crawl etc) and the amazing trips.
What's the best thing about studying at Strathclyde?
It’s great at looking after its students. It’s right in the city centre of Glasgow.