British Society of Criminology Conference 2024

Criminology in times of transition

9th July: Postgraduate Conference
10th - 12th July: Main Conference

BSC2024 at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow will showcase creative, critical research taking place in British criminology and explore what is next for the discipline.

Join us in the city of Glasgow for an intellectually stimulating and fun experience, bolstered by a diverse and dynamic set of keynote speakers asking the question: what is criminology and who is it for?

Submission of abstracts is now closed. The reviewing process is ongoing and we hope to issue notifications by the beginning of May.

See a full list of conference rates.

Registration is now closed.


Discount accommodation for delegates

We have worked with partners Glasgow Convention Bureau to secure hotel rooms in a number of Glasgow locations during the conference. 

Learn more

Our hosts

Dr Louise Brangan

Senior Lecturer

Scotland is home to some of the discipline's most creative, critical and renowned criminologists. It is a testament to the University of Strathclyde's criminal and social justice research cluster, and its place within the field, that it was chosen to host the conference next year.

Prof. Beth Weaver

Professor of Criminal & Social Justice

The Conference is always a great opportunity to learn about emerging research in both your own and others areas of specialism. Its also an opportunity to get together with existing networks and colleagues from other universities - and also to forge new ones.

Prof. Ian Rivers

Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences

Strathclyde University is proud to be hosting the British Society of Criminology Conference here, in Glasgow. Enjoy the city and have a great conference!

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Department of Social Work & Social Policy

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