Dr Elizabeth Dombi

Teaching Fellow

Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

Teaching Fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics 

I am Director of Teaching in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Previously, I served as second year co-ordinator from 2017 to 2023, chaired the Department's Equality and Diversity Committee from 2019, and led our successful application for a Bronze Award in 2024. Some of the Strathclyde-led events I was involved in are:

I am also a member of the Senior Fellows at Strathclye and the University's Learderhip in Teaching and Learning networks, as well as the SoTL Collarborative Wriring Groups. My pedagogical interests include the following areas:

  • exploring deep and surface approahces to learning 
  • engaging students as partners in relation to feedback
  • contextulalising the curriculum
  • embedding Education for Sustainable Development

My mathematical research interests include:

  • inverse semigroup theory
  • formal language theory in algebra
  • combinatorial optimisation problems related to edge covering of graphs with restricted length Eulerian circuits
  • word-representable graphs


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Teaching responsibilities in 2023/24:

First semester

MM117 Mathematics 1M

Second semester

MM303 Applicable Analysis 2

MM117 Mathematics 1M


Project supervision

I supervised fourth year projects in the following areas:

  • Cryptography
  • Shortest Path Algorithms
  • Game Theory
  • Automata and Formal Language Theory
  • Conformal Mappings
  • Riemann zeta function
  • Inverse semigroup theory
  • Epidemiology
  • Ramsey Theory


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Research Interests

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning:

  • Learning environments fostering deep approaches to learning
  • Assessment and feedback practices enhancing student engagement and success
  • Student as Partners in the feedback process
  • Contextualising the curriculum
  • Automated Theorem Proving using LEAN

Mahtematical research:

  • inverse semigroups, automata and formal language theory
  • combinatorial optimization
  • word-representable graphs

Professional Activities

Are we working with students as partners?
Mathematics & Statistics Teaching Away Day
London Mathematical Society (External organisation)
Enhancing Skills in Educational Research in the Mathematical Sciences Workshop
London Mathematical Society Education Day
ICMS Retreat for Women in Applied Mathematics
Member of programme committee

More professional activities

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Dr Elizabeth Dombi
Teaching Fellow
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: e.dombi@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3816