Dr Katerina Nicolopoulou


Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship


Personal statement

Professor Katerina Nicolopoulou, PhD, FHEA, MSc, LLM

I am a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation and the Director of Research at the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship. I am also the University Academic Lead for Socially Progressive Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

-Strategic sub- theme Leader for Socially Progressive Innovation and Entrepreneurship,https://www.strath.ac.uk/workwithus/innovationentrepreneurship/areasofexpertise/spie/ 

-One of the three Academic Mentors for the Doctoral Training Centre in Socially Progressive Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

-The Director of the Research Group  Global Socially Progressive Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which I founded and lead since 2020: Global Socially Progressive Entrepreneurship & Innovation Research Group | University of Strathclyde.

 The Research Group encompasses socially sensitive ways to develop entrepreneurship and innovation in different Global contexts, and it is a member of the NBS Sustainability Centres global community.

I am a Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) International Committee and I have an on-going interest in Higher Education global trends, as well as strategies for supporting HEIs to stay globally relevant and impactful.

I have several years of teaching experience and teaching team leadership at postgraduate (MSc),  faculty-level MRes, faculty- level DBA (as Global DBA Director) as well as international post-experience /Executive  MBA, having taught several times in UK, Europe, Gulf countries, S. East Asia  and Hong Kong.

My research as PI and Co-I has been funded by various grants, including Newton Fund and GCRF (Scottish Funding Council), of which a total of over £100,000 has been dedicated to a portfolio of projects which I have led as Principal Investigator for the study of women entrepreneurs in unplanned urban communities.

Details can be found here : https://www.strath.ac.uk/whystrathclyde/news/2021/empoweringfemaleentrepreneursinlowincomecommunitiesofgreatercairo/

I am also a Trademark Inventor (UK Trademark 'Sword and Shield'), supported by the Strathclyde INSPIRE programme for a toolkit on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Resilience for Women Entrepreneurs

I have played an active part in a number of established international management conferences (such as AoM) through subject matter leadership and committee citizenship. Research outputs I have co-authored have won  Awards such as the 2022 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper, as well as the Best paper award of the SIG Entrepreneurship at EURAM 2017. Between 2016-2019, I served as an Associate Editor for the  ABS 3 journal European Management Review, and since 2020 I have been an Associate Editor for the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.

I have a  comprehensive scholarship profile which includes 25 published peer reviewed papers, in journals such as Human Resource Management (FT50 list), British Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management, R&D Management, European Management Review, Organization & Environment, Business &  Society, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and editorship of  6 journal Special Issues- including Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, European Management Journal, International Journal of Enterpreneurial Behavior and Research, and Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions- as well as  6 books with publishers such as E. Elgar, Routledge and Palgrave.

I have acted as external PhD examiner internationally, as well as a supervisor for multiple PhD students (several of them funded via different funding schemes, and some in partnerships with European Universities). I have also mentored and supported various ECRs and PhD students in a number of PhD Colloquia and dedicated workshops. I am an external advisor to the Leadership coaching programme at George Washington University, Centre of Excellence in Public Leadership DC., USA, which focuses on supporting organisations and communities for greater presence and impact, in alignment to the UN SDGs. Also, I am a mentor for the MENA Gender and Enterprise Network (MENAGEN), which focuses on building research capabilities with Early Career Researchers.

As a practitioner, I have  several years of international  experience in senior positions (strategic affairs and planning, corporate social responsibility, advisory, training, and company co-ownership). I have also acted numerous times as an International Judge for industry and research initiatives  in social and sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation (Shell LiveWire, Philippe De Woot Award, UNESCO Newton Prize, Canegie Trust, as well as the European Commission). 

I am highly experienced with international DBA and MBA engagement activities, including hosting Thought Leadership series, supporting alumni start-ups through the creative ideation/ concept refinement and internationalisation process, as well as developing and running international engagement events with strategic partners (practice-policy-academia- international delegations). For several years, I have hosted and chaired numerous events such as the Strathclyde Dialogues and the UAE Research evenings at Strathclyde. Further information about the Strathclyde Global DBA GCC cohorts can be found here: 


Further samples of my work and activities at  Strathclyde can be found here: 







My current PhD and DBA supervisees include:

-     Christine Samy (Female entrepreneurship in Urban settlements of Greater Cairo- First supervisor) (University of Strathlyde PhD Studentship)

-     Monica Vasquez de Solar (Social Entrepreneurship: Institutional perspectives- Second supervisor, Comillas partnership student)

- Sherine Mohamed (Entrepreneurship Education models-First supervisor) (University of Strathclyde PhD Studentship)

- Naraporn Thammadee (Social Entrepreneurs as Leaders and Human Capital in Social Enterprises-First supervisor) (University of Strathclyde PhD Studentship)

-Henry Emeka Eze (Youth Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nigeria and Ghana- First Supervisor) (University of Strathclyde PhD studentship) 

- Afsa Mukasa (Socially Progressive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre for Doctoral Training Researcher in Social Entrepreurship- Second supervisor)

-Ahmed Fahmy (Management of Innovation Processes in Large Corporations, DBA- Second supervisor)

-Sara Yaqoob (Social Impact Measurement in Social Enterprises, DBA-First supervisor)

-Meriem Khadia (Women Entrepreneurs and cybersecurity, DBA-Second supervisor)

- Beverly Best (Women and Digital Entrepreneurship, PhD-First supervisor) (University of Strathclyde PhD Studentship)

- Zakia Jabeen (Female Social Entrepreneurs in the Zero Waste Sector, PhD- First supervisor) (University of Strathclyde PhD Studentship)

- Markus Ecure (Entrepreneurship Education and Training in Nigeria- Second Supervisor)

-Miguel Garcia Sanchez (Knowledge co-creation in Urban agriculture communities- Second supervisor, Comillas partnership student)

-Mohammed Al Katheeri (Digital Transformation in the Public Sector-DBA,Second  supervisor)




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Area of Expertise

My research interests and expertise focus on:

  • Social, Diversity and Sustainability aspects of Entrepreneurship
  • Impactful Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and social innovation in the context of the Global South
  • Inclusive Entrepreneurship 
  • Interdisciplinarity: philosophical roots and practical relevance for entrepreneurship, management and organisations
  • Social sciences as a lens to Entrepreneurship and organisations
  • Cosmopolitanism as a disposition and a mindset for addressing Global Challenges in  Entrepreneurship and Sustainability 

Having lived and worked in five different countries, across three continents, I have developed skills for international communication and stakeholder engagement across a range of sectors.

Findings  from my research studies in the UAE have appeared in business publications in Dubai, such as Capital Business; Executive Women and Education Now! (Gulf News).

In the practitioner roles I have held,  I have trained in methods for Strategic Planning, Consulting, GRI, SA8000 as well as Balanced scorecard.

Prize And Awards

EMERALD Literati Award for Outstanding Paper
Faculty Award CABS FT50
Best paper Award SIG Entrepreneurship, EURAM Conference 2017

More prizes and awards

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Reflections and perspectives on accessing informal finance and social capital
Best Beverly J, Nicolopoulou Katerina, Lassalle Paul, Eze Henry, Mukasa Afsa
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Vol 14 (2024)
Founding team entrepreneurial experience, external financing and social enterprise performance
Sahasranamam Sreevas, Lall Saurabh, Nicolopoulou Katerina, Shaw Eleanor
British Journal of Management Vol 35, pp. 519-536 (2024)
Understanding legitimacy building in contexts through digital entrepreneurship
Imiren Efe, Lassalle Paul, Mwaura Samuel, Nicolopoulou Katerina
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (2023)
A centennial cross-national venture creation model for social entrepreneurs
Mukasa Afsa, Nicolopoulou Katerina, Sahasranamam Sreevas
9th IPMA Research Conference (2023)
Challenging the assumptions of social entrepreneurship education and repositioning it for the future : wonders of cultural, social, symbolic and economic capitals
Karatas-Ozkan Mine, Ibrahim Shahnaz, Ozbilgin Mustafa, Fayolle Alain, Manville Graham, Nicolopoulou Katerina, Tatli Ahu, Tunalioglu Melike
Social Enterprise Journal Vol 19, pp. 98-122 (2023)
How can the 'Do No Harm' principle inform the design and implementation of traditional innovation for sustainable performance
Fahmy Ahmed, Nicolopoulou Katerina
36th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management (2022)

More publications

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  • Reviewing the Literature in Business Subjects (MRes/PhD) (ongoing, for 7 years)
  • Global Innovation Lab (MSc) (ongoing, for 3 years)
  • Qualitative Methods for Bottom-of-the-pyramid contexts (Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Progressive Innovation and Entrepreneurship) (for 3 consecutive years)
  • For 7 consecutive years, I have  taught the capstone MBA module Strategic Consulting in Practice (SCIP)
  • For 8 consecutive years, I have held the role of  MBA Subject Co-ordinator and teaching team leader for the Strathclyde MBA core subject Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership (EML) offered in 8 different countries
  • For 4 consecutive years, I have taught  the MSc class 'Leadership skills for urban change' for the MSc Global Sustainable Cities
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Professional Activities

Scottish Entrepreneurship Research Seminar - Entrepreneurial diversity as a Force for Good
Scottish Entrepreneurship Research Seminar 2022 Organiser
Non Executive Director Training
Entrepreneurial Women Leaders: Research Insights from two projects
UAE Research Evenings at Strathclyde 2022, Chair: Book presentation Management Consultancy- Insights and Real Consultancy Projects

More professional activities


SEA PGR Studentship Zakia Jabeen- The development of strategic capabilities for promoting social enterprises in adopting the Zero Waste agend
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2024
Beverly Best JARA PGR studentship
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator)
Digital Female Entrepreneurs in the LAC region
Navigating COVID-19 related transitions and transformations of economically marginalised women entrepreneurs within urban poor communities of the Greater Cairo Region in Egypt (GCR).
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator) Salama, Ashraf (Co-investigator) Christine Samy Aziz Habib, C (Research Co-investigator) Abdel-Salam Mohamed, Sherine (Researcher) Horgan, Donagh (Researcher) Whitfield, Caroline (Researcher)
GCRF Scottish Funding Council COVID-19 Response Award
01-Jan-2020 - 26-Jan-2021
JARA Studentship Sherine Mohamed- Entrepreneurship Education Systems
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2022
JARA studentship- Naraporn Thammadee HRM in Social Enterprises in Thailand
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2022
Research Studentship CDT SPIE- Henry Emeka Eze - Youth Entrepreneurship programmes in Nigeria
Nicolopoulou, Katerina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2022

More projects

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Dr Katerina Nicolopoulou
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

Email: katerina.nicolopoulou@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted