Professor Edward Sosu



Personal statement

I am a Professor, and currently Deputy Head of School (Research) in the School of Education. Before this, I was the Director of Research (2019-2023). My primary research focus is on the relationship between poverty dynamics and developmental outcomes. I am interested in understanding the mechanisms by which socioeconomic circumstances and experiences of poverty influence educational attainment and psychological outcomes across the lifespan. I harness the power of large longitudinal datasets to aid our understanding of these mechanisms. My goal is to undertake research that drives policies and practices which can improve outcomes for those experiencing adversity nationally and internationally.

My research is collaborative and involves partnerships within and outside academia. Current and previous external collaborative partners include the General Teaching Council for Scotland; Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Child Poverty Action Group; Poverty Alliance Scotland and Mental Health Scotland. My research has also involved engagement with the media, practitioners and policy makers in the UK, Ghana and Malawi resulting in the submission of an Impact Case Study to REF 2021. I currently serve on the following Committees and Advisory Boards:

  • Scottish Government Independent Review of Scottish Qualifications and Assessment Reform
  • Scottish Government Academic Reference Group (RSE representative)
  • Scottish Government Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation Advisory Panel
  • Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) – Appointed to the Education Committee
  • Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection (CELCIS)

Previous committee and advisory board memberships include:

  • British Psychological Society – Expert Reference Group on Poverty (2020-2021)
  • Scottish Funding Council –Access and Inclusion Committee (2014 – 2020).
  • British Psychological Society – Served in various positions on the Psychology of Education Committee (2006-2017)

Prior to joining Strathclyde, I worked for the University of Aberdeen, first as a Research Fellow on the Scottish Teachers for a New Era (STNE) project and subsequently as a Lecturer in Education. During this period, I examined the impact of initial teacher education experiences on student teachers’ cognitive dispositions and the extent to which these dispositions influence their classroom competence. My education was in Ghana, Sweden and the UK.

My research has received funding from a variety of organisations including the ESRC, NIHR, Nuffield Foundation, British Academy, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and several Charities. My ongoing funded projects include:


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As well as supervising PhD and Masters students, I teach on the BA in Education, PGDE, MSc Early Years Pedagogue and  MEd Inclusive Education programmes. My contributions cover the following areas:

Poverty, Social Class and Educational Achievement

Learning Theories  


The Role of Social and Emotional Interaction in Child Development

Collaborative Learning

Development of Scientific and Mathematical Knowledge in Childhood

Educational Policy

Social Issues in Education

Research Methods

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Research Interests

My primary research focus is on the relationship between poverty dynamics and developmental outcomes. I am interested in understanding the mechanisms by which socioeconomic circumstances and experiences of poverty influence educational attainment and psychological outcomes across the lifespan. I harness the power of large longitudinal datasets to aid our understanding of these mechanisms. My goal is to undertake research that drives policies and practices which can improve outcomes for those experiencing adversity nationally and internationally.


Specific Research Interests:

  1. Educational Inequality – poverty dynamics and its effects on educational outcomes across the life course; mechanisms of achievement gaps (inc. school absenteeism, parental sociodemographic characteristics, teacher characteristics resource inequality, early childhood education)
  2. Psychological outcomes – poverty dynamics and its effects on socio-emotional and behavioural development; mental health and wellbeing across the lifecourse
  3. Teacher Education –teacher effectiveness; teacher expertise; pedagogical innovations
  4. Methodology – quantitative methods; structural equation modelling; secondary data analysis; longitudinal designs; psychometrics; mixed methods

Professional Activities

CQIS Attendance Conference , South Lanarkshire Council
Keynote/plenary speaker
Promoting School Attendance: Questions for Research, Policy, and Practice
The short- and long-term consequences of school absences
Invited speaker
Symposium: Understanding the multifaceted impact of pupil absences on academic achievement: Timing, trajectories, psychosocial pathways and sociodemographic differences, BPS Psychology of Education Annual Conference
Nuffield Foundation Seminar: The impact of school absence, school closure and learning loss: What can be done?
Knowledge Exchange Event (Manchester) - Nuffield Foundation Project on School Attendance, Educational Attainment, and Labour Market Outcomes

More professional activities


Columba 1400 Senior Leadership Academy for Police Scotland
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Firth, Jonathan William (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Claire (Co-investigator) Chen, Yueling (Post Grad Student)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Family socioeconomic status and school absenteeism – The role of behavioural and psychosocial dispositions
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Klein, Markus (Co-investigator) Marta, Samara (Post Grad Student)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2026
Columba 1400 Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy: An Evaluation Study
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Firth, Jonathan William (Co-investigator) Wilson, Claire (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2024
NIHR Global Health Research Group on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing
Morse, Tracy (Principal Investigator) Beattie, Tara (Co-investigator) Davidson, Jennifer (Co-investigator) Henderson, Marion (Co-investigator) Morton, Alec (Co-investigator) Quinn, Neil (Co-investigator) Sosu, Edward (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026
Poverty stigma and mental health in Scotland
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Columba 1400 Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy: A Retrospective Evaluation Study
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Firth, Jonathan William (Co-investigator) Wilson, Claire (Co-investigator) Chen, Yueling (Post Grad Student) Liu, Jia (Post Grad Student)
01-Jan-2022 - 29-Jan-2024

More projects

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Professor Edward Sosu

Tel: 444 8063