Dr Enyuan Xie

Research Associate

Institute of Photonics


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Simultaneous mapping of cathodoluminescence spectra and backscatter diffraction patterns in a scanning electron microscope
Edwards Paul R, Kumar G Naresh, McKendry Jonathan J D, Xie Enyuan, Gu Erdan, Dawson Martin D, Martin Robert W
Nanotechnology Vol 35 (2024)
High speed single pixel imaging using a MicroLED-on-CMOS light projector
Johnstone G E, Gray J, Bennett S, Johnson S D, Higham C F, Dehkhoda F, Xie E, Herrnsdorf J, Murray P, Padgett M J, Murray-Smith  R, Henderson R K, Dawson M D, Strain M J
Optics Express Vol 32, pp. 24615-24628 (2024)
Spectral characterization of a blue light-emitting micro-LED platform on skin-associated microbial chromophores
Serrage Hannah J, Eling Charlotte J, Alves Pedro U, Xie Enyuan, McBain Andrew J, Dawson Martin D, O’Neill Catherine, Laurand Nicolas
Biomedical Optics Express Vol 15, pp. 3200-3215 (2024)
GaN-based series hybrid LED array : a dual-function light source with illumination and high-speed visible light communication capabilities
Xie Enyuan, Cheng Chen, Ouyang Chengsui, Hill Jordan, McKendry Jonathan JD, Zhang Yanchao, Gu Erdan, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol 42, pp. 243-250 (2024)
Deep ultraviolet CMOS-controlled micro light-emitting diode array
McKendry Jonathan JD, Xie Enyuan, Hill Jordan, Zimi Hichem, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Gu Erdan, Henderson Robert K, Dawson Martin D
IEEE Photonics Journal Vol 15, pp. 1-6 (2023)
Effects of LED device size on UV-C short-range LoS optical wireless communication
Hill Jordan, Chen Cheng, Xie Enyuan, McKendry Jonathan JD, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Gu Erdan, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
IEEE Photonics Journal Vol 15 (2023)

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Dr Enyuan Xie
Research Associate
Institute of Photonics

Email: enyuan.xie@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5736