Centre for Lifelong LearningMental Health, Counselling and Wellbeing

CPD Short Courses

The Centre for Lifelong Learning is proud to launch our new range of continuous personal and professional development short courses aimed at students who have gained their COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills (or equivalent).

Through discussions with past students we have become aware of a need for short courses after completion of the COSCA certificate, and concerns about loss of listening skills and knowledge whilst waiting to proceed to further study.  As a result of this feedback we have worked in partnership with our counselling students to develop an initial set of courses. Theses courses will introduce students to new topics such as grief and loss, working with risk and counter-transference.

All our courses are developed by qualified counsellors/trainers and new courses will be developed over time and added to our CPD catalogue.

These courses are only open to those who have already successfully completed the COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills (or equivalent).

The following courses may be available. Please contact us by email, indicating which class or classes are of interest, and we will add you to an alert list for notification of forthcoming offerings.

Understanding Domestic Abuse

The annual Crime Survey estimates that almost 2.5 million adults experience domestic abuse each year.  In addition, one in five children witness or experience domestic abuse in their childhood.  This course will help you build a solid understanding of the nature and scope of domestic abuse as a Gender Based Violence, to recognise its impact on those who experience it and learn how it affects their behaviours and choices.  The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the confidence and knowledge to deal with the issues surrounding domestic abuse in their work setting.  Understanding the main issues of providing a sensitive and appropriate service to women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

Duration 6 hours.

Understanding Emotions as Communication

Emotions tell us what is important in a situation and can act as a guide to what we need or want; they help us figure out what actions are appropriate. Over time, being aware of emotions and how to manage and use them give us a sense of consistency and wholeness as a person. Learning about our emotional landscape enables us to support our Clients/Speakers to experience their emotions in the safety of the therapy session, where they can discover for themselves the value of greater awareness and more flexible management of emotions. 

Duration 6 hours.

Understanding Grief and Loss

This 6-hour experiential course is aimed at those who are interested in expanding their skills, knowledge and self-awareness with regards to grief and loss.  The course aims to help participants define the key concepts and features of grief and loss, to identify the types of loss we can experience and to raise participants' awareness of ways to support others and services available to those who have experienced loss. The course will be made up of large and small group learning and discussions and a skills practice within a triad or quad setting.  The course will cover the theoretical concepts of the Dual Process Model and will introduce the connection between grief and loss and attachment theory.  Finally, the course will explore the ethical implications listeners need to be aware of when working with grief and loss. 

Duration 6 hours.

Counter-transference and the lived-experience

This interactive course will introduce the concept of ‘counter-transference’. We will explore how we can use ‘counter-transference’ to access our feelings in relation to another person. Students will learn how to connect with a ‘felt-sense’ in the body.  

The course will then introduce intersectionality. It will examine how class, race and gender orientation impact our ‘felt’ sense of self. Students will be encouraged to reflect on and talk about their lived experience of class, race and gender orientation and how this might impact their future work with clients. 

Duration: 6 hours.

Working with risk

This course will look at working with risk in counselling, how we assess risks, and how we work to manage those risks. It will explore what we mean by risk, how we assess what the risks are, for those we are working with, for ourselves and for our organisation (agency.) This will include safeguarding, working with self-harm and suicidal thoughts and ideation, mental health and emotional wellbeing, domestic abuse, historic abuse, addiction or dependency and trauma. There will be an opportunity to look at different methods of assessing risks, and practise skills in risk assessment. There will be opportunities to discuss the ethical, appropriate boundary and practical concerns, as well as your own approach to risk.

Duration: 6 hours.

Developing resilience for Life and Change

This course looks at introducing you to what resilience is, why it is so important not only on a personal level but also in the workplace. It will cover how your own internal way of thinking and life experiences impact your ability to be resilient and how this can be addressed. The course also looks at what we call psychological flexibility and how your inner critic can sabotage your ability to handle not only personal change but also changes in the workplace.

Duration: 3 hours. Audience: Open to all.