AlumniZara Mohammed

Course studied: BA Hons Law and Politics (2013), LLM Human Rights Law (2015)

Position at time of writing: Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain

Tell us about your background

I was born and raised in Glasgow and am of Scottish and Pakistani heritage. I am a practising Muslim and I have a passion for helping and contributing to society.

Why did you choose Strathclyde?

Visiting the University was a positive experience and I felt very comfortable with the environment. The overall culture and ethos of Strathclyde resonated with me as being inclusive and welcoming. With Strathclyde having a great reputation for being a leading University and an excellent place for learning I knew it would be the perfect place for me. My academic journey at the University was an extremely fulfilling and rewarding one.

Where are you now? 

I am the first female Secretary General of The Muslim Council of Britain. The Muslim Council of Britain is the UK's largest Muslim umbrella organisation, with over 500 members in Mosques, Schools, Charitable Organisations and Professional Networks.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Being elected the first female Secretary General, being able to serve so many communities and having a meaningful impact has definitely been one of the biggest highlights so far. I have proudly represented Scotland and been a positive advocate and voice for change trying to make it a better society for all.

Ambitions for the future

I will continue to be a person of service, contributing to make a change to society and helping people. I haven't decided what it will look like yet, but I'm sure it will be an exciting journey!

What is your top tip for being an effective activist and campaigner?

To know yourself - being a good leader requires you to be led by yourself. It should be a journey of self-development and reflection.