Fiona Wylie

BSc Hons Architectural Studies

Fiona is from Canada. She is studying for a BSc (Hons) in Architectural Studies

Why did you choose to study architecture?
My dad is a Structural Engineer and my grandpa is an Architect, they are both based in Canada. Back in high school in Canada there wasn’t really an opportunity for me to explore what Architecture was as we didn’t have any classes that would lead you to the course. In Canada you have to do an undergraduate course in sciences and then do a postgraduate in Architecture. I didn’t want to pick just Art or just Science, I wanted to do both and architecture just felt like the right fit.

Why did you choose Strathclyde?
My grandparents are from Scotland and I grew up spending my summers in Glasgow. I already had a feel for the city and I really liked the people and the culture. I had done some research prior to applying and I learnt about Wiston Lodge and I thought it would be a unique experience.

How does living in Glasgow affect your perspective on Architecture?
It is very different from what I am used to seeing in Canada. In Glasgow there are a lot of old
sandstone buildings next to new buildings, contrasting the old with the newly built. And it is very unique to Glasgow.

What is your stand out experience from your studies?
It would definitely be the 'live build' at Wiston Lodge (Centre for Personal, Social and Emotional Development). It was the best way to be introduced to the course. Going into the course you don’t really know what studying Architecture will be like and it forces you, right away, to meet and collaborate with other students. Also, working on a one to one scale gives you a bit of reality on what you are actually doing.

Have you considered taking part in work experience?
I will start an internship next week back in my home town. The firm I will work for is the biggest one in British Columbia outside Vancouver, they don’t really take on interns but I contacted the partners and they decided to give me a placement for the summer.

What are your thoughts going into work experience, do you have any concerns?
I am excited. I think in terms of software a lot of my software skills are self-taught and maybe not on the same level as an already qualified part 1 student.

What is your preferred and most challenging process in the work flow? (Models, Designing,
I really like modelling as it gives a greater feel of the space. I really enjoy going into detail in the project and in-depth into the space and I usually end up modelling small spaces at 1:20 or 1:50 in order to show the finalised product as is.

Would you recommend Strathclyde?

Definitely! I think our course has a lot of perks.
I think there are a lot of hidden benefits of the studio space as it forces interactions between the different years. This also creates a nice community in the department between students and staff.

Where would you see yourself in the future?
I will definitely stay at Strathclyde but I will like to eventually take part in exchange. If I went on exchange I would quite like to go to Denmark. I think it is important that the international students are offered the chance to go abroad whilst already being abroad!