
This blog post is all about photography as January has been a very busy one for me.  For the first week in January is when the finals for the first semester take place. Then on the 12th of January I made the 4988 miles journey back home to see my family and friends. I then headed back to China on the 3rd February with my family to do some traveling around China. For this reason this blog will be a bit different, showcasing more pictures and less text. I hope you enjoy it.

Regrettably, I lost my passport while in China and these are pics from the week me and Kirsty went back and forward from Beijing to get it all sorted. Of course we had to treat ourselves to good food, from Subway, burritos to multiple Starbucks.

This is from Christmas day, when some of the Scholars and some other British students went out for Christmas dinner. We had to send the restaurant the recipe for gravy.  We suggested some items for the menu and it was a really good meal.

For New Years’ Eve we all went to a ski festival on the Great Wall in Beijing. Although it was very cold, we all had a great time. The snow was artificial, meaning it gets sprayed out big cannons. To get into the mood, I got some fancy jewels stuck to my face, all in the spirt of the welcoming the New Year.