November in China


This 十一月 in China has been very busy! Firstly, at the beginning of this month I visited the longest glass bridge in the world. This was an organised trip away, which involved taking a 公共巴士 another province outside 天津 before started to 爬山. It took almost 三 hours to climb up an almost never ending flight of stairs before we reached the top. Despite feeling very 累 the view was so worth it! One thing I must mention however is I would not recommend this to anyone afraid of heights as since it is a glass bridge you can see straight through the floor as though you are walking on air! Here are a few 照片.

After all of that walking as you can imagine we were super 累 so it was such a nice treat when in the evening we visited some hot springs. We were not allowed to take 照片 in there because of the water and people in swimming suits but it was amazing. For anyone who doesn't know a hot spring is a pool of water outside which is at a very high temperature. The ones we visited were filled with some pretty unusual scents for example; aloe vera, honey, milk, red wine and one even smelt like 方便面!  My personal favourite was an unscented one hidden in a cave because it felt like you were at the beach.

Another big thing that happened this month was travelling to 北京 for the St Andrew’s Ball. This is where lots if people from around the world met up to celebrate St Andrew's day. This involved wearing fancy 衣服, lots of ceilidh dancing and à 好吃 five course meal. Being abroad especially somewhere so diverse to Scotland like China really makes you feel proud of where you come from and I felt just that way that night celebrating our culture. Here are some photos of me and my friends at the ball and 北京 too because it is so 美丽.

Now 冬天 is here it is very 冷 (so far lowest has been -11) and 圣诞节 is almost here so next time I will be able to share with you how I celebrated 圣诞节 in China! Today I am planning on going to the 商店 to buy some 圣诞节 decorations for my room. So see you all next time and 圣诞节快乐!


Dàjiā hǎo- hello everyone

Shíyī yuè- November

Gōnggòng bāshì- bus

Páshān- climb a mountain

Sān- three

Lèi- tired

Zhàopiàn- photo

Fāngbiànmiàn- instant noodle


Yīfú- clothes

Hào chī- yummy

Měilì- beautiful

Dōngtiā- winter

Lěng- cold

Shèngdàn jié- Christmas

Shāngdiàn- shop

Shèngdàn jié kuàilè- Merry Christmas