Back to China

I started this month readjusting to life in China. Due to being away for two months my monthly allowance had built up so I decided to treat myself to new clothes and new things for my room, it also meant I could enjoy more treats like tea. I found getting back into the routine of university was hard and quite tiring after having so long off. When I came back there seemed to be a bug going around and Suzie sadly caught it and had been feeling dizzy the past few days. We decided to go to the nearby market to get vegetables and noodles. When I was getting noodles Suzie didn't want any so she stood behind me beside a shop with mannequins outside. As I was reaching for my tofu I heard a very loud bang. I looked around and Suzie had fainted into the mannequins so there was a big pile on the ground containing Suzie and mannequins. As scary as it was, looking back it was quite funny. She came to about 10 seconds later, and I and a few other Chinese people helped her onto a seat to relax. Some people took her pulse and someone ran to another shop to buy her a sugary drink. We slowly made our way home and she spent the rest of the day in bed. Is was very scary experience but a good story for the blog!

Our next adventure was a tree planting party that we had seen being advertised. It took a while to find as it was hidden behind buildings but when we got there it was very lively. There were benches that you were allowed to paint, a DJ, basketball and of course, lots of people planting trees. After a while of painting and taking in the surroundings we got to plant our tree. It was very small and we are planning to visit before we go home to see if it has grown.

The rest of the month has been very relaxed and just about settling back into the way of life in China again. The next month begins with my family flying over to China so I'm very excited to see them.