Ready, Steady, Go!

With only a couple of sleeps left, a few more goodbyes to give and a fully packed suitcase at the door; the thought that I will be in China in less than 4 days is starting to feel so surreal now! I’m extremely excited about this new adventure and I cannot wait to start learning Mandarin when we arrive at our university in Tianjin. After organising our visas, linking and setting up several bank accounts, exchanging pounds to yuan and ensuring important documents are photocopied; the most challenging task of them all (in my opinion) has been trying to pack for almost a whole year away! With China’s forecast showing extreme heat in summer and unbearable minus temperatures in winter, it’s almost impossible to try fitting contrasting outfit choices into one half of a suitcase! I like to believe I lead a generally healthy lifestyle here in Scotland and rarely ever get sick however the idea of a vegetarian, non-Chinese speaking, 18 year old female in China screams “bring as many tablets and forms of medication as you can in case you get this, or this or even that” to my mother! I really do appreciate all the help and support my family has given me throughout the organisational period needless to say there comes a point where I need to reassure my mother that several bottles of pills and sprays (which I’ve never had to use for over 3 years) would be okay to take out of my suitcase as there is hardly any space left for my clothes!


I haven’t found it particularly difficult to say goodbye to my friends and family so far because I know they’re only a phone call away and with the technology we have today it will be very easy to stay in contact (despite the 7 hr time difference)! I think one of the most alien thoughts about being apart from my family will be the idea of them doing all their day to day routines and traditions without you. Every Friday, after teaching, my mum and I would go and treat ourselves to a McDonald’s toffee latte to end our stressful week and prepare for the weekend. But the thought of my mum continuing our tradition without me for a year is a bit of an odd thought. But I’m sure she’ll send me a photo so I can be with her for our weekly treat. Since I’ll be gone for a whole year I did offer my brother my room, although I am lucky that he likes his own one because when I come home then at least I’ll have some part of my old life back and I’ll be able to sleep in my own bed again! However, I know he’ll (secretly) be exchanging some of his things for mine so I have made it clear that I will be charging a loaning fee for everything that Callum (my brother) borrows from my room while I’m away because I’ll know what is out of place! I am a little sad that I’ll be missing my brother’s first year of high school but we have agreed to WeChat every week so we can catch up on each other’s news. There is no doubt I will miss my family because we are all super close but they are all so very excited for me which is comforting knowing that they’ll be absolutely fine as well!

China… I still can’t believe I’ll be there soon!!! I don’t really know what to expect when I arrive (with the exception of heat, crowds and smog) but I haven’t felt nervous yet because there is so much excitement in my house right now! Although, I think when we’re on the plane or at Beijing airport the nerves will probably kick in. I have only learned the very basics in Mandarin (HSK 1) at school (starting with pinyin) so I am super excited to get there with all the amazing scholars and start learning the characters and transform into a Chinese student, experiencing different teaching methods (which I imagine will be completely different from our Scottish schools)!

A full 10 months of independence, hard work and experiences of a lifetime. I’m ready to say ni hao to my new home in China and fully immerse myself in this adventure that I’m sure will never be forgotten!

Next time I write to you it’ll be from the other side of the world! 

Bye for now,

Kayleigh xx