Student surveysPostgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

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The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is a national survey that enables the University to gather information about the experience of research students.  It is run every year in collaboration with Advance HE and Jisc 

If you have any questions about the survey or taking part then please do not hesitate to contact Strathclyde Doctoral School,   

PRES 2024 has now closed. Thanks to all who participated!

Why should I take part?

We want our Postgraduate Researchers to have the best possible experience during their time at Strathclyde and PRES provides an opportunity for PGRs to tell us about their experiences. This in turn enables us to do better for all PGRs based on the information gathered.   

When do I take part?

The survey runs annually in spring from early March until mid-May and if eligible you will receive a personalised email invitation to take part from the Strathclyde Doctoral School.

How do I take part?

The survey is open to PGRs who are Registered or in Thesis Awaited Status. Personalised links will be sent to your inbox from Strathclyde Doctoral School as soon as the survey opens.