Lysa Wini

SCELG PhD Member

Lysa Wini is a One Ocean Hub PhD Researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG). Lysa comes from Solomon Islands, a collective territory of approx. 900 islands spread across a vast expanse of the Blue Continent. This includes more than 100 ancient traditional human built artificial islands – and these communities thrive to an extent and with a depth of reality near unique across the globe, with the national constitution and statutes recognising the preeminence of ‘customary law’ and ‘customary marine tenure’. It is against this backdrop, Lysa draws her inspiration to focus her research on customary law and the legacy of colonialism on contemporary ocean laws in Solomon Islands. Lysa also participates in the One Ocean Hub Ocean Explorer program, that aims at primary schools that introduces sustainability using islands as geographical contexts. She is fluent in English and Solomon pijin.

Lysa’s areas of expertise:

  • Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge
  • Oceans
  • Islands