Safety, Health & WellbeingFire Safety
Fire Safety Adviser
As the University’s Fire Safety Adviser, Jez is responsible for undertaking fire safety risk assessments, arranging bi-annual fire evacuation drills, delivery of fire safety related training, investigating and reporting on all incidents involving fire, and providing advice and guidance on all fire safety related matters.
Fire Safety
The University is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest standards of fire safety for all employees, students and others who may be affected by the University's activities.
These documents provide guidance on the University's approach to fire safety.

Fire Alarm Testing
The fire warning systems within buildings are currently tested weekly, to enable occupants to become familiar with the fire alarm signal and to facilitate the reporting of any failures or instances of poor audibility.
Notices will be displayed at the entrances to buildings detailing the time at which the fire alarm will be tested. Examination timetables and other critical events will be monitored and if appropriate fire alarm testing will be re-scheduled to avoid disruption.
Emergency Fire Action Plans
This section contains a list of all the Emergency Fire Action Plans for University buildings around the campus.