Upskilling @ StrathclydeClimate Solutions Professional


Target Audience

This highly impactful intermediate level course is designed for learners whose jobs or aspirations require a strong knowledge of causes and solutions to the climate emergency.


Upskilling modules are funded by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.

A limited number of fully funded places are available to applicants living in Scotland. Early application is advised.

Duration of study 

Indicative student effort: 50 hours over 13 weeks; self-led online plus tutor-led online delivery.

Delivery dates

Programme begins week commencing 12 August 2024

To register your interest in the module contact

Delivery location

Online/Face to Face, Strathclyde Business School, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU

Delivery mode

Consists of online self-led pre-work followed by weekly tutor-led online delivery.

What you will study and achieve

Understanding the causes of climate change and becoming carbon literate is necessary but not sufficient to lead to action on climate change and related planetary emergencies. This is why our approach to training is based on identifying the most relevant information, summarised by respected experts (in many instances from their own research) and ensuring it is delivered using techniques and facilitators focused on building deep understanding and application to live business issues.

Students develop an implementation plan solving a climate change related issue facing their organisation.

• Course Introduction and the case for action
• Climate Science: Processes, causes and impacts
• The International and national policy context
• Climate Change Solutions: Management and implementation

Credits and certification

Successful completion leads to membership of the Climate Solutions Network and 5 academic credits.

Scottish Government logo.