Our CPD courses match our research and teaching expertise to workforce training needs in the Power & Energy sector. The instructor led and online programmes available are detailed below. If these don’t meet all your training needs, please contact us to discuss development of bespoke options.
Instructor-led programmes
You'll benefit from direct interaction with our instructors in a classroom environment. Group activities, exercises, and computer-based activities make for an engaging and interactive learning experience. Courses typically run consecutively over two to four days. Features include:
- lecture-based delivery
- group and team emphasis
- hands on exercises
- application of theory
Online programmes
Our online programmes are available 24/7, requiring only a computer and reliable internet connection. The self-paced courses allow for flexible access that makes training possible despite a busy work schedule. Features include:
- multimedia-based content
- multi-modal learning experience
- self-paced learning
- inclusion of latest research areas
- cohort sessions available
- access anywhere, anytime