Centre for the Study of Human Rights LawVisiting Professors
Visiting Professor Kavita Chetty
Professor Chetty is a foremost human rights practitioner in Scotland with extensive national and international experience.
From 2015-2022, she was Head of Strategy and Legal at the Scottish Human Rights Commission, and took up a new appointment last year as Deputy Director Human Rights at the Scottish Government. Her responsibilities include overseeing the policy preparation of a new Human Rights Bill.
Visiting Professor Lorenzo Cotula
Professor Cotula is Principal Researcher in Law and Sustainable Development and Team Leader of the Legal Tools Team, Natural Resources Group, at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). He has pioneered legal and interdisciplinary research on the interactions between international investment law, international human rights and environmental law, and the law of natural resources, with a focus on natural resource investments in low and middle-income countries. He has contributed to LLM teaching in International Investment Law and Sustainable Development, to building students’ research skills notably in empirical legal research methods and in relation to law and development, and has engaged in research and knowledge exchange activities jointly with the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance and the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law.
Former Visiting Professors
Visiting Professor Tony Kelly
Professor Tony Kelly enjoyed a career in private practice in Coatbridge in the field of human rights, and has lectured and published extensively in this area of law. He has taken forward cases to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; the House of Lords; the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. Prior to his appointment, as Summary Sheriff to Glasgow and Strathkelvin in April 2016, he also enjoyed extended rights of audience before the Court of Session, the High Court of Justiciary and the International Criminal Court. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Judicial Institute. Sheriff Kelly was member of the advisory Board, of the newly formed Scottish Women's Rights Centre. He was a Fee-paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement and Immigration and Asylum Chambers), and a legal member of the Parole Board for Scotland. During his Visiting Professorship, he was a Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law Board Member and taught Human Rights Protection in the UK at postgraduate level.