Disability & Wellbeing ServiceAccessibility

What does accessibility mean?

Accessible content enables a person accessing information on their phone to access the same information as a laptop user. Equally, someone who is blind and using a screenreader should be able to access the information as readily and easily. Inaccessible content will be disabling for some people.

How can you ensure that the materials you create are accessible to everyone?

This page is for anyone creating digital content. It provides an awareness of the barriers that inaccessible materials present to individuals. It also highlights the benefits that accessible materials provide. Here you can gain an understanding of:

  • the Social Model of Disability
  • the POUR (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust) principles of accessible digital content
  • the University’s Digitisation Service (Alt-format)

This page contains includes guides on how to ensure your materials meet the fundamental accessibility principles via SCULPT:

  • Structure (using heading styles)
  • Colour and contrast
  • Use of images
  • Links
  • Plain English
  • Table structure

Further information

Zoom Accessibility

In addition to supporting captions and transcripts, Zoom Accessibility provides shortcut keys. There is the option to increase the text size in the 'chat' window. Zoom Accessibility is also available within the Zoom window. To access it, press the 'up' arrow next to the video icon. Choose video settings.