Starting a course at Strathclyde? Then we want your feedback and views!
Student surveysWelcome to Strathclyde survey
At Strathclyde, we’re committed to listening to students throughout their course. One of the key points for any student is the first few weeks at a new university. The Welcome to Strathclyde Survey is our way of finding out about your experience of this and how you are settling in to your first few weeks at University.
The survey launches a few weeks into the new academic year annually and typically runs for three weeks. The survey also runs in semester two for those who start their course in January!
All new, full time undergraduate and taught postgraduate students registered on a course taught at Strathclyde will be surveyed.
The Student Survey Team, within Education Enhancement, run the Welcome to Strathclyde Survey.
The survey is short. We want you give us feedback about the communications you've received from the University, what were your the biggest concerns before and after starting University and some information about how well you're settling in to life at Strathclyde.
You’ll have the chance to comment, in your own words, in the survey. So that we can confidently share these, please try to avoid comments that:
- Could enable you as an individual to be identified
- Name individuals
- Make references that could identify an individual
If you’ve just started a course at Strathclyde, you will be sent an email invitation to your @strath email address with a unique link to the survey. Follow up reminders will also be sent during the survey period. After the launch date you can also check on Myplace to see if you have any active surveys to take part in.
You can opt into the prize draw during the survey. Once the survey closes, the winning student will be drawn at random, using a web-based random number generator, and the winner notified.
All the information gathered in the survey will be collated and reported on at an aggregate and anonymised level. This will be shared among the teams responsible for the different aspects of supporting new students at Strathclyde. Decisions can then be made on how to further develop the support students receive at the start of their first year.
Your responses will be treated confidentially within the University, only the Student Survey Team will have access to individual responses. The results from the survey will be presented in the form of aggregate statistical summaries. Individuals should not be identifiable from their responses in any data disseminated from the Student Survey Team. Any free text comments from respondents which allow an individual to be identified will be redacted or removed prior to presentation. During the survey, respondents will be asked to give their advice to future students. This data will be disassociated from other responses to the survey and may be widely published.
Further details about the University’s Data Protection policy for students are available online.
Although we are keen to hear from everyone, you can opt out of the survey at any time. There will be a link to opt out of the survey at the end of your initial invitation and in any reminders you receive.
Thank you for completing the survey! If you have already the survey but continue to receive reminders, please contact the Student Survey Team (
If you think you have been included in error and the survey does not apply to you, please contact the Student Survey Team (
The results of the survey will be used by the University and Students’ Association to facilitate best practice and enhance the welcome experience we offer in future years.
The survey results will be downloaded and stored, in anonymised electronic format, within Education Enhancement at the end of the survey. The results will be retained to allow us to benchmark the figures against the future years' results.